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  1. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    ISI trained not only the Afghans but many other nationals who came to Astan to fight jihad against the soviets. It included many Pakistanis from NWFP. Even today there is a large presence of foreign nationals(Eg: Tajiks and Uzbeks) in NWFP near durand line who have not left after the Soviet...
  2. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    This is a very important point. ISI has failed miserably in its job(if it considers destabilizing India as its job). And in the process also gained a lot of notoriety. It seems ISI as an organisation has been short-sighted in its goals. Inflicting short term violence or peddling fake currency...
  3. croptikal

    Loadshedding once more as Electricity Generation capacity goes down

    Sorry, the original poster quoted 6-12 hrs, I confused it with 12-16 hrs. I will modify my post accordingly.
  4. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    TTP was recently formed, correct me if I am wrong. But the individuals involved were trained by the ISI and PA. The individuals that today man different groups earlier fought united against the soviets. The same people today are split into different groups with different names and supposedly...
  5. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    We have to be careful before we reach such conclusions. Were the soviets defeated by Mujahideens alone? Soviet was defeated by US in Afghanistan using the locals. It was an era of cold war. The situation today is completely different. US has no opposition. All the other major powers support...
  6. croptikal

    Loadshedding once more as Electricity Generation capacity goes down

    stone age signifies: *No culture or civilization *No techs *Low lifestyle(if any at all) *Barbarism *Low IQ level of general populace *No education or skills *No sophistication in society Just because there is load shedding of 6-12 hrs does not mean Pakistan is in stone age. If only the above...
  7. croptikal

    US threat to nukes

    The 'nuke threat' has its own value... Also, there are unvalidated reports that Pakistan does have some nukes out of US reach thus far.
  8. croptikal

    NRO no more! SC gives its verdict! All cases revived!

    Sir, before you come to hasty conclusions about my knowledge, I recommend you to be prudent and patient. BTW, I would love to know how you conclude that my 'insight into Pakistan's politics or military' is 'not great'. If you came to such a conclusion because of my statement that PA is...
  9. croptikal

    US threat to nukes

    ^^Actually, US already has some control over Pakistani nukes. There are some ground forces monitoring the nuke bases. There are US PALs in Pakistani Nukes. Even the Chinese have control over Pakistani nukes. But even then the US is uncomfortable with the nuke warheads and nuke materials being so...
  10. croptikal

    Loadshedding once more as Electricity Generation capacity goes down

    Did you mean misleading title of the thread? or misleading thread?
  11. croptikal

    Kashmir Conflict 101 - An independent view

    But we shouldnt miss the the twist these people were trying to give to 26/11. Luckily for us, Kasab was caught alive, otherwise, these 'facts' invented by this 'journalist' would have been mouthed by everyone today.
  12. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    Yea, its like a don in Godfather. They just cannot allow someone to get away after insulting them in public. They will surely make those responsible repent. And I mean those who formulated this approach within Pakistan of protesting US.
  13. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    Frequently those that get most aid from US, tend to be anti-american. Pakistan today is rabidly anti-american. The people on the street believe that US is responsible for all the mess in their country. Partly, they are correct. The reason for hatred is that US tends to prop and dump the policies...
  14. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    Bushy, US is the most dangerous country in the world. US may be screwing Pakistan, but that is not music to India. For, the US can quickly change its stance on anything as and when it suits them. India is playing all alone. Of course, the scenario is definitely to our advantage but we need to...
  15. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    Well, their dinner in Pakistan was never free and in particular in the past years, it has got more expensive with more tantrums from Pakistani side. The americans might just get annoyed and stop eating and.............paying. Wouldnt that hurt Pakistan?
  16. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    The truth is that Indian leaders have been prone to make 'sacrifices' in their quest to be 'stateman'. That is one reason why Pakistani leadership pushes for talks with India. So, the 'final solution' was on cards several times, infact, as recently as MMS-Musharraf era. But 26/11 changed the...
  17. croptikal

    Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue?

    The bolded part is speculation. His role is still being investigated...
  18. croptikal

    NRO no more! SC gives its verdict! All cases revived!

    With regard to the specific case of Pakistan, the military/army has also been involved in Politics. Perhaps more than the political class! ---------- Post added at 04:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 AM ---------- Is there a chance of marshall law from your perspective?
  19. croptikal

    NRO no more! SC gives its verdict! All cases revived!

    You are correct to an extent. Poor Zardari has been made a scapegoat in this episode. Everyone knows that PA is the most powerful org. in Pak, yet Zardari is blamed for all policy decisions that went wrong. Ultimately, its the people of Pakistan who have to demand accountability from both the...
  20. croptikal

    China capturing Pakistans export market to Australia

    This is the best post on the thread. Most posters have suggested that Chinese are making a better product and hence conquering new markets(even those of its so-called ally Pakistan). This not a complete truth. The fact is that mostly Chinese goods are successful because of its cost, though they...
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