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  1. F

    India's spy in the sky by 2014

    Yes, Pakistan will counter this by once again eating grass once again. China may be capable of countering this, Pakistan, yes maybe in 50 years time when your space program matures. China is unlikely to give you such valuable information if/when they develop it.
  2. F

    Agni III doesn't pose threat, we share friendly relations with India: China

    Lol, yes Agni II isn't in service. <facepalm> India = Poor and backwards. China = Developed nation where every citizen has a voice, is wealthy and life is valued. </sarcasm> I've been to both China and India and frankly while China may have the shiny skyscrapers, I still wouldn't...
  3. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Me: Ahahaha wanna hear a joke? You: SURE!? Me: The Pakistani Government. or atleast Me: Hey, wanna hear a joke? You: Mm, okay? Me: Pakistans democratically elected leaders.
  4. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    You cannot deny that the majority of Pakistanis believe that. You might be more enlightened, living abroad and being able to harness the power of the Internet.
  5. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Well you know, there's this little little problem with your employ of sarcasm there. It doesn't work well when India is in fact better off than Pakistan.
  6. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    He's not questioning the US, while Obama's advisors can tell him exactly what Pakistan is all about, his other advisors will tell him to 'screw the Indians, look after our boys in Afghanistan'.
  7. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Definition, please give me your definition of attention seeking for me, because it sure as hell differs from mine.
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    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Indeed India is for Indians, however you cannot deny Pakistanis think India = Hindus.
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    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    We failed? Oh really, is that why the CIA has a free hand to do whatever it feels like on your territory. Mate you cannot talk about India kow towing to the USA when your sacred homeland has foreign forces in it. India never has and never will do what the US wants us to do. If she did India...
  10. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Care to refute any of the points raised?
  11. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    Anti-Pakistani, that's obvious mate, the fact is though it's mostly true.
  12. F

    13 Indian Army personnel killed, 15 hurt in J&K avalanche

    I have already respected the fallen soldiers in a previous post. Someone already reported the post, nothing happened.
  13. F

    US being sucked into Pakistan’s world of illusions

    We all know most of this is true, but watch all the Pakistani apologists post here trying to prove otherwise. Either that or it will get locked/deleted.
  14. F

    India tests long-range nuclear-capable Agni-III missile

    Completely rofl owned. :) One wonders why the Americans didn't send this device on their own moon orbiters? Doesn't seem like such a complex device.
  15. F

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Hold on a second, are you saying Indian strategic leaders are incompetent? Pakistan can't eliminate any second strike capability from India. The moment Pakistani BMs are in the air, woosh goes Indian BMs and boom goes the Islamic State of Pakistan.
  16. F

    FAQs on India's Massive 34% Hike in Military Spending

    Hold on a second, Pakistan is allowed to send troops into our territory to kill OUR soldiers and its not an act of war? What's your definition of a declaration of war? Pakistan has the international blame for all Indo-Pak wars, the Indian republic is recognised also internationally as to...
  17. F

    FAQs on India's Massive 34% Hike in Military Spending

    With all due respect, Haqs main argument is that somehow the poor are oppressed through India's defense spending. With that in mind, I wish you could have deleted his posts before I spent quite some of my time writing my reply.
  18. F

    Can India be a great power?

    I was going to write another 5 page long essay, but then I didn't.
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