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  1. S

    The drone of 3 Idiots could now serve Army and NSG; DRDO in talks

    Err..seems like you bunked your physics lectures in highschool. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects.Any two objects in universe attract each other by a force which is directly proportional to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of the distance...
  2. S

    India successfully tests world's 3rd largest and Asia's largest solid rocket booster

    :tup: Well done ISRO.We are all so proud of you. SIF do you have anything to back up your claim, if not i would advise you to back off. This is insult to the engineers and scientists who have worked tirelessly on this project.
  3. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    India passed 'gay laws' ??!!...Since when? Make IA gay. :D Geez are you serious about it? They will be pain in the *** for your PA make no mistake about it :lol:
  4. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Hain G? :blink: still trying to figure out the meaning of your very intelligent last phrase.
  5. S

    Let See How Amazing is Mathematics (1=2)

    ^^^ why do you mean by putting values in the middle? if you do not sustitute given values for a and b how do you get a*a=ab you cant multiply/divide '0' to a non zero number in equality/inequality in math. so while a*a-b*b=ab-b*b =>(a+b)(a-b)=b(a-b) (a+b) * (a-b) != b * (a-b)...
  6. S

    Let See How Amazing is Mathematics (1=2)

    ^^^ (a+b)(a-b)=b(a-b) Incorrect cant multiply by 0
  7. S

    China may give india a taste of it's own medicine

    ^^^^ Please contribute something constuctive and informative relating to the topic sino. Your contribution to almost every thread is almost always off topic.
  8. S

    Junagarh, Bihar and Hyderabad State Under Indian Occupation

    @ejaz007 Junagarh provide easy land route to India enabling her to reach Kashmir,is it? Junagarh was in Gujrat last time i checked!
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