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  1. W

    Cultural history holds back Chinese research

    very true! chinese peaple are smart , hard workers and prretty fair business men. it's no wonder they have very good scientists and education...: (refs) http://www.uscc.gov/researchpapers/2009/Research_Report_on_Chinese_High_Tech_Industries.pdf |China Universities in Top 500 - 2010 China...
  2. W

    Saudi Arabia joins Red Flag 2012

    they won't going to fight iran anyway... just waste of money (or oil?:)~
  3. W

    U.S. Navy Picture Thread

    very impressive! GJ!
  4. W

    ‘Exports to Europe will soon go up 20%’

    the numbers are still very low I belive big country like PK can do much more easly...
  5. W

    Obama names Erdogan in list of allies

    cheap diplomatic move... obama and the rest of the west are nothing but a big cowards
  6. W

    China's workforce falls for the first time in decade

    china is in a big problem en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chinapop.svg they got too much old peaple relaing on too little young peaple.
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