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  1. G

    Google gone green - Pakistani men vs Indian men

    @Sedqal :omghaha: They did not mention the differences between the penile gifts. :omghaha: Now, see, they mock us for being circumcised. We only get the foreskin removed, it seems as though they get a lot more removed, and that too, genetically. :omghaha: BBC News - Condoms 'too big'...
  2. G

    India Initiated China's Admission In To The United Nations [PRC]

    You are right and I am glad someone actually mentioned this. Even the Americans admit that it was Kissinger who went through Pakistan to get into China and eventually, it was Nixon who followed suit. But, if you're an Indian, you have the entire world in the palms of your hands and every...
  3. G

    Mental Indian Hacks Nine To Death

    ] I often edit what I write so you might need to look at it again. ] I didn't suck up to you to get this response. Polygamy, my friends, is a blessing. Also, re-read what I wrote as I edit after posting my magical displays of writing, only second to Shakespeare and the translators of the...
  4. G

    Mental Indian Hacks Nine To Death

    Edited post was further edited, so no point keeping this anymore :tdown:
  5. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    This has just been made public, you clowns. You'll find out in your media. The bureaucratic material cannot be revealed immediately and only comes to light years later when a whistle-blower comes across it. So much for the MUFC (Modi United Fan Club) trolls and their trolling. How about...
  6. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory where you don't even have the right to hang the Indian flag in Lal Chowk of Sri Nagar whilst the local populace hangs the Pakistani one. Also, you are clearly, again, condescendingly referring to Rajnikanth by "charitably" offering...
  7. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    You're still here? Call even the sell-out Chidambram, it won't work. He has no answers to Karunanidhi, Vaiko is a long shot. I am surprised and happy, at the same time to see another Pakistani brother knowing so much about the covered up and thickly veiled bureaucratic oppression the Tamils...
  8. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Jinnah. End of story. Do not ask me this again. When our Quaid does or says something, we follow. He said the Tamilians have a right to self-determination, we listened. We even quote the 11th August speech that is not very well known but still do because of how much love we have for him...
  9. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    The "back-ward" caste who was allowed to become progressive because of the North Indians? :yahoo: Also, you are not a spokesperson for the Tamils. You have no parks of places named after you. Periyar was, and he does, respectively. If you do not care about our friendship then go to a place...
  10. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Dear mentally enslaved South Indian, Speak in a language that your Tamil brethren can understand and not one that you believe, can be identified with what it means to be "Indian". Hindi is a minority, 30% language in India. Tamil is also a minority language. Why not make Tamil as socially...
  11. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Thank you for proving my point. Rajnikanth, who is loved and venerated in the South is mocked by you and treated as a cartoon character that is to be taken like a joke. You do it in your culture and wherever else you get an opportunity to show that the Tamils are a bunch of jokers who have...
  12. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Thank you for showing us why Pakistan was made and had to go at it alone. Sikhs are the highest contributors to your forces. Does that mean they don't have sentiments? Does that mean they should accept Biharis to overrun their state? Does that mean they shouldn't care about the Golden temple...
  13. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    I am glad Madrassas teach us to respect the man who gave us the call of the prayer (Azaan), the African Bilal ibn Rabah (May the Almighty be pleased with him). A call to prayer that we can hear five times a day, all across the world, by about 1.5 billion Muslims. I am very happy, also, to not...
  14. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Brother, there are 100 million Tamils and a few more in Eelam. Also, there are quite a few Muslims there and they have freedom to practice their religion unlike Sri Lanka, whose Buddhists (like in Myanmar) have failed Dalai Lama's image, miserably. In short, our only solution is to use the...
  15. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Their only argument behind subjugating other communities is that there is a Pakistan, we tried our best to separate it's exclave other-half, Bangladesh and it worked (even though Jinnah believed it to be a separate state). Also, they use this as a premise to prove that Pakistan failed so you...
  16. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Weren't you the moron who had an emotional breakdown and said you were going to leave? Also, are you saying to us that Pakistan was a bad idea? Although it's not, but let's assume that it is for the sake of your ignorant argument, I am curious as to why your only argument behind not allowing...
  17. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    That's right, we are stone age. But did you know, stone-age came after pre-historic age where people still believe that a natural piece of land, like the Adam's bridge was made by a man, along with a few monkeys (Euphemism for Tamils) and no development should be done in the adjoining areas...
  18. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    They want to keep the TN as a part of India by using the migrant Telegu and Brahmin castes from North India as an argument behind their "union" with Tamilians.
  19. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Pashtuns, like the Tamils, are an open and free community and they had a right to do whatever they wanted. Unfortunately, for you, the Pashtuns had completely rejected the Congress and his naked (literally) leadership. Here, you can see how they treated Nehru...
  20. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    That's all I've been saying, anna. But, do they ever listen? No!
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