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  1. Abza al Ghaznavi

    I am a Pakhtoon!

    Oh rajput dog, when praying isha tonite thank allah the afghans turned you cow worshippers into musalmans no history having dog. why dont u name some more missles after afghans. lahnatullah pakistan
  2. Abza al Ghaznavi

    Good journey home Afghans!

    as if your murtaad govt didnt cause us problems? back when your ancestors were hindus, that land was pakhtunkhwa world map means nothing, your british masters creation of fake borders means nothing
  3. Abza al Ghaznavi

    Good journey home Afghans!

    you sound like those anti pashtuns lol @ 40% in their dreams
  4. Abza al Ghaznavi

    I am a Pakhtoon!

    your problem wrora is that you think the Pakistani elite cares about Pakhtun they dont. This is what happens when you embrace foreigners and expect them to defend you and take care of you.
  5. Abza al Ghaznavi

    Good journey home Afghans!

    an Afghan who is in Pekhawer and Quetta IS at home. How can a Punjabi tell a Pakhtun he doesnt belong in Pakhtukhwa LOL?
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