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  1. Anka

    NASA’s Warp Drive Project

    I am monitoring the progress on FTL tech and the work of Dr Harold White, despite of his secrecy on how his warp-field interferometer will detect little warps in space-time without negative energy to form a bubble, I think this is a right step towards the progress of science.Also NASA wouldnt...
  2. Anka

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

    In my opinion Saruman is the French king during 1500's when France was allied with Ottoman Empire against Catholic Spain and Italy. Sauron is Suleiman the Magnificent with his daring assaults into Europe. There are also many details fit perfectly to this logic like the similarity of the siege of...
  3. Anka

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

    In wikipedia it was stated that he fought in Gallipoli campaign, now it says he fought in western front so this corrodes most of my claims. But still British had an extensive effort to brainwash the soldiers so some ideas might have this kind of origin.
  4. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    "So u want to sink foreign ships?" Again lack of understanding of basics like how to operate a blockade. Please, just go take some classes from your navy, they certainly know how better than you do. "You can easily track ship routes. Everything what comes out of SOmali cost and goes beyond...
  5. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    "Yep no one will sink foreign shipments to us." Don't make me laugh. "Because engagement rules limits. If there will be order to sink every Somali ship that goes beyond 5 km there will be no piracy problem." Logical error, Somali ships doesn't have identification codes so does enemy...
  6. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    That is where foreign intervention begins. "One Eitam can track 580,000 km2 each moment." So what? US has dozens of more advanced ones but still prates attack. "With missiles." Here we are again, lack of strategical concept. And TuAF will just sit and watch? Dont be such a child, The...
  7. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    You are the one who must be kidding since you are telling those assets will be enough cover an area from Italy to Israel. Food was just an example for unrenewable sources. You didnt say exacly that there wont be any casualties but you implemented that with saying "no match" We can produce ships...
  8. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    Archdeamon, you know nothing about strategy dont you? Do you really understand what kind an operation needed to keep supply routes open for Israel if Turkey decides to stop it? How on earth will you track all Turkish ships (including submarines) in such a big sea? How will you attack a navy with...
  9. Anka

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    I dont understand how Israel thinks that it has a chance against Turkey since its only life source mediterranean sea is this close to Turkish reach. Yes Israel have a capable air force, but if they lose it they cannot replace it without secured supply routes. But Turkey can. Without any...
  10. Anka

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

    thank you, and sorry if I sounded a little bit too angry about this. And yes I noticed the khorasian flag. Thousand of years and they still capable of reviving old enmities.
  11. Anka

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

    I agree with that idea Mordor is Turkey as a Turk since I am very familiar with the book and movie. Sam try to save his friend under a crescent in mordor, characters implies dozens of times that is west-east issue, mordor on map very similar to Turkey, Rohan cavalry charge is the same as what...
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