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  1. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Fortunately we have the Ossetians, the sole decedents of the Scythians (Alans), who still speak an Iranian language, therefor confirming the fact that those tribes were Iranians: These people had nothing to do with Turks.
  2. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Charon, Scythians and Persians communicated with each other in antiquity without the use of a translator. Look it up. Source? That sounds untrue. Long before the Turks were known in Central-Asia, Iranian tribes were inhabiting the region.
  3. R

    Iran losing its scientists, promising students

    According to the latest statistics, 712 winners of scientific olympiads and about 350 highest test-scoring students have left Iran, deputy head for cultural issues of Iran's National Elites Foundation, Hassan Hosseini said. He noted that however, during the last year, 13,000 new Iranian...
  4. R

    UNDP Indicators Show Iran's HDI above Regional Average

    They were strengthened in 2011, but sanctions against Iran's industry have been implemented way before.
  5. R

    UNDP Indicators Show Iran's HDI above Regional Average

    You mean despite of the fact that Iran has faced sanctions against further developing and exporting these resources since 1979? Secondly, you can't compare Iran, as a state with 75 million people, with those small, often energy-rich, states.
  6. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    ^ You forget about the Persians. The Persians are known for being the first to use heavy cavalry in military warfare, against the Greeks. The Persian word 'cataphract' has come into Western lexicon due to the Greeks.
  7. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Almost all Caucasoid groups in Central-Asia were/are part of the Iranian people, so when you argue that the original Turks were a mixture between these Caucasian and Mongolian groups, it is like saying that the first Turks were a Iranian/Mongolian mix?
  8. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Only Turks in West-Asia have predominantly Caucasian features, while the ones in Central-Asia have predominantly Mongoloid features. That is because the Turks in West-Asia have mixed with Caucasian groups like the Greeks, Armenians, Iranians, etc, while the ones in Central-Asia not this scale...
  9. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Tomyris is an Iranian name. Read here; books.google.nl/books?id=Fbm0nGoZo58C&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=tomyris+etymology&source=bl&ots=EZFQAJCh2T&sig=xBQ2BLPIeEt3bHPY2XRSkdHRsR0&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=7ANKUpyPF4nAtQagnYGgAQ&ved=0CEUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=tomyris%20etymology&f=false They spoke an Iranic...
  10. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    But Scythians and other Iranian groups had Caucasian features, while the original Turks had Mongoloid features. There seems to be a contradiction in this. But even if these Iranian groups mixed with Turkish groups, its wrong to name these original Iranian groups Turkic. It would be more correct...
  11. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Tomyris is an Persian name: تهم*رییش‎ Tahm-Rayiš. If Turks are proud to give their daughters Persian names, I've no problems with that. Tomyris and Massagataes were living in Central-Asia long before Turks migrated to it.
  12. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Ossetians are genetically still connected to Iranians. Here, I'll quote: Their language is grammatically Iranian, and does not have a significant amount of Turkic words in it. In contrast to Caucasian influence. They call their language 'Iron' which translates into 'Iran'. Here...
  13. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    That is not doubtful. Ossetians speak an Iranian language which is still related to Scythian language. That alone should be enough to conclude that Scythians were Iranic, and that their sole decedents are Iranians. Scythians were part of the Persian Empire and they looked like other Iranian...
  14. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    Why did you intentionally left out the fact that the Massagatae were Iranians, and spoke an Iranian language? Here you go; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massagetae...
  15. R

    Cyrus the Great was defeated and killed by a women

    I don't see any similarities between Scythian women fighters and the role of women in Turkic/Mongol military warfare. Turkic/Mongol military culture was just as patriarchal as modern day Pashtuns are, not considering the fact that Pashtuns are influenced by Islamic culture now, which is...
  16. R

    Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

    This drone is not a very simple one. The fact that Pakistan lacks a MALE drone is a clear example of this. When it comes to drone technology Iran is quite ahead of Pakistan, and other countries in the region.
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