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  1. M

    New Delhi to get India's first Russian Orthodox Church

    This is not a mexican standoff. This is diplomacy.
  2. M

    Very concerned with development of Indian navy: Pakistan naval chief

    Even if you are trying a valid point (which you are not) a "lol" is totally uncalled for.
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    New Delhi to get India's first Russian Orthodox Church

    Interesting news. I hope they consider building it using some Russian architecture. well it will not hurt you to actually follow the religious books that you are so interested in protecting. One cannot fight injustice with injustice. "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".
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    Come May 16, Bangladeshi immigrants must pack up: Narendra Modi

    UN data reveals India home to 3.2 m Bangladeshis
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    Very concerned with development of Indian navy: Pakistan naval chief

    This guy is the navy chief yaar.. If he does not concern himself with the threat from Indian navy then he is doing a really horrible job.
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    Heavy military spending hurting India, Pakistan: US report

    Spending millions on reports that just state the obvious hurting USA.
  7. M

    I thought Canada was a tolerant country but I was wrong…

    I dont think people of the subcontinent are so liberal that they will find excuses to defend a bus driver who is less relate-able than a brown guy. BTW I did a research on this guy and found this statement- ""Awan initially said he was “scared of white people” because of the incident. “I...
  8. M

    Very concerned with development of Indian navy: Pakistan naval chief

    Nup. Just begging China to be their bodyguard.
  9. M

    Game of Thrones fans?

    For people who are trying to download- I usually use vodly to view the show, you can add a plugin to firefox or chrome to download it too
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    Indian Political Party BJP Sends Envelope to Nawaz Sharif to Stop ISI

    "Written" "envelope" really? Are you trying to tell me that this guy wrote a letter (or just for the benefit of doubt typed and printed the letter), put it in an envelope, sealed it, put like 20 stamps on it and dropped it in a mailbox to be delivered to the PM of Pakistan? May be he gave it to...
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    India sells Afghanistan as an investment destination

    "A terrorist by any other name would blow as bad" - William Shakespeare, probably not
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    India sells Afghanistan as an investment destination

    Sometimes people are so over their head that I am unable to comprehend if they are being serious or there is a sense of sarcasm there.
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    India sells Afghanistan as an investment destination

    Yaar kaahe ungli kar rahe ho. Pakistan already has a lot of internal terrorism, and the best thing India can do it stay away from it as much as possible.
  14. M

    Lahore’s serial killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’

    Wow.. A thread about a serial killer and instead of condemning the killings, people are more concerned about prosecuting people for their personal lifestyle choice. The world surely has its priorities set right.
  15. M

    I thought Canada was a tolerant country but I was wrong…

    I feel for the author but I feel he is blowing the incident out of proportion. May be the bus driver was racist, or was just cranky that day because of something going on in his life. He did not seem to hurl any racist abuse or say something that reflected a bias, he was rude and idiotic but he...
  16. M

    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    I agree partially. Environment pressure is not always necessary for evolution. There is also sexual selection. An individual with more chances of getting a mate is more likely to produce offsprings like himself. Back to the topic of intelligence.. The debate actually depends a lot on how you...
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    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    Plays a role =/= essential
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    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    Actually that is not true. Evolution do not support intelligence it supports survival and intelligence evolved in humans because evolving instinct was an important part of survival. I also disagree with the original poster(the person you quoted) because intelligence plays a role in survival (not...
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    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    Let me try to summarize this. So basically the idea is that the scientists believe (based on the presence of so many exoplanets) that life is highly likely in outer space and therefore intelligent life is also likely. But we cannot find any signs or contact from such forms of life, which leads...
  20. M

    Why ZAID HAMID hate geo???

    Zarvan meet punctuation marks (,.?!;) Punctuation marks meet Zarvan. Back to the topic, defend him all you want the guy is a joker. He is loud mouth and repeats the same thing every time he is on TV, almost everytime in a new unique entertaining way.
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