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  1. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Yeah it is fair play...unless you promise one thing at the highest level and carry out the opposite.
  2. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Ok I agree with you kargil and siachen are fair play. This point raised by some members that siachen was back stabbing doesnt hold water. I did go through some threads and saw some members trying to portray Siachen as a violation, there'll always be whiners on both sides.
  3. T

    Kashmir: Omar Abdullah resigns over sex scandals.

    See you did every thing right up there....just remove the slash from the beginning quote ....it'll work fine Cheers...
  4. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    Jeez...the guy has gone bonkers...nothing anybody says will convince him of the reality...i guess leave him alone in his twisted delusional hateful world. The side effects of propaganda..mental failure.
  5. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    I didnt degrade madrasas...the attitude was what I am referring to.
  6. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    I live with a muslim roomie, kashmiri sunni for that fact, he eats with me, in fact he cooks bloody well; we do have debates over kashmir, but this religious crap I never heard from him so i suggest you get out of this madarassa attitude of yours and see the real world.
  7. T

    Where's secularism, asks Emraan after being denied house

    Sure buddy...apne bhi desi hain yaara.
  8. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/land-forces/9167-siachen-glacier-fighting-roof-world.html plz go through the above thread and you'll find our pakistani friends crying themselves hoarse about the siache episode...maybe you could convince them it was fair game. And then kargil is a non issue in...
  9. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    Now this guy is a perfect example of a propaganda victim....his words make no sense and to support his views he quotes religion and self destruction as a proof to convince people!!!
  10. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Why whine about Siachen then...that was fair game as well...we got your ***** whipped in Kargil. Please read through sharifs drama that he put up before Kargil...THAT is Backstabbing.
  11. T

    Where's secularism, asks Emraan after being denied house

    Please google for the definition of jahalat....its something like illiteracy...and pakistans got more of "jahalat " than India. And when the elephant walks...the rats squirm...
  12. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    So is it suggesting that Pakistan either uses terrorism or backstabbing as a tool to initiate dialog?
  13. T

    Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

    Please dont forget to pay the same condolences to the victims of xinjiang as well...they need it more; and since you seem not in a mood to forgive and forget, do you have the courage to do something about it except some hollow words.
  14. T

    Where's secularism, asks Emraan after being denied house

    Well since you ignorantly claim "dilip kumar" lives there i guess this settles the debate about discrimination. Dilip Kumar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Please go through above before making an utter fool out of yourself.
  15. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    I could reply in kind, but that would be deviating from my normal thought process; there is enough hate already here so i'll resist the temptation. I'll take your suggestion of not adding BS since I do not have anything similar to what you have epitomized as useful.
  16. T

    Story of the Two Khans

    Pakistanis are rankled by the fact that some Muslims chose to stay in India and made it their motherland. They have trouble believing that Muslims can live in India with respect and show the same affection towards India as Pakistanis show towards their motherland. For them Pakistan is the place...
  17. T

    One of the Best Submarine Movies

    Would prefer a bud bro....cheers
  18. T

    F-22 Priced at $290 Million Each for Japan

    Do you know why congress killed the f22, it was wayy too advanced for any thing even the russians could throw at it, and you seriously believe china with its cheap copies of russian planes could come close....now i seriously think you are high.
  19. T

    One of the Best Submarine Movies

    bet a beer...!
  20. T

    Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

    Wow...some outburst dude, what did you just get fired or what, this suicidal trait of yours is a sickness and you should get yourself checked up ya know, Indias goin nowhere and seriously you should worry about your own country, and please get yourselves out of the illusion that you are messiahs...
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