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  1. Commander T

    195 Pak army men to be tried by Dhaka for war crimes

    was it for my coment , because your comment was next to mine :what:
  2. Commander T

    What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

    i never said other religions are false, its just that they were there just for a particular time and they even lost the true teachings..... how can you call a religion true when it has even lost the teaching what were ordered by its founder, can you say that you have everthing saved what was...
  3. Commander T

    What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

    yes this has happened,,,Quran has been misundersood, and this is why we are facing terrorism today, but that does not means that islam has lost its effecivness on mankind because the orignal scripture is safe and cannot be corrupted......and he who wants to gain enlightment will be guided if he...
  4. Commander T

    What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

    no, Islam says that most of the religions were true and Guided by Allah SWT in their times but with the passage of time they were corrupted by Scholars of that religion and hence lost their effeciveness on mankind.... but the 2 that have been menioned in Quran to be true are IBRAHMIC religions...
  5. Commander T

    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    they were still official kings till 1857
  6. Commander T

    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    everybody lost that war, evry nation on the planet.....this new world order...
  7. Commander T

    195 Pak army men to be tried by Dhaka for war crimes

    Although its a lie but this also shows the impression of in the minds of International comunity that what CAPACITY do pakistani have :omghaha:
  8. Commander T

    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    This is natural selection my dear........he who is the best always wins the game.... they were best at their time, they won the game and captured us...........mughals were incapable of kindom when they left their true moral and spirtual(Islamic) values.... and as a result of that they had their...
  9. Commander T

    100% price escalation on Rafale fighter aircraft to Rs 1.75 lakh crore likely to dent IAF's strike c

    no problem, we will adjust the weight of JFT II for you, just for you:enjoy::yahoo:
  10. Commander T

    Six foreigners arrested in Lahore search operation

    and mos of them are indians and amreicans without ID documents :angry:
  11. Commander T

    Another senseless murder decision all in the name of religion

    immpossibe........... this is pakistan, here a governer can be killed in day light just because he gave a statement in favour of a christian girl and those who were wrong accused of blasphemy law, and no body even from is party does anything against him.... Do you think that these molvis will...
  12. Commander T

    What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

    hey guys, be cautious, beacuse of a little bit of extra emotions this thread can become a religious thread, and we can loose a good topic to discuss,:unsure:
  13. Commander T

    What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

    Guys what do you think, What should be done to increase religious tolerance in pakistan? Do we need changes in constituition or we need to deal with these unwanted elements with Iron Hand?
  14. Commander T

    Consquences of military operation in North waziristan

    1: USA is not going anywhere, even after taking mojority of its armies out of afghanistan Usa will have 10000-20000 armies left in afghanistan with many airbases....... so it is certain that if taliban comes to power that will be political and they will, in any case, dependend on pakistan for...
  15. Commander T

    Muslims And Sikhs Need Not Apply | Saikat Datta

    that,s what been said, IB recruits a few muslims, doctor has prescribed RAW not recruit muslims...
  16. Commander T

    Muslims And Sikhs Need Not Apply | Saikat Datta

    Noted educationist and former parliamentarian Humayun Kabir was known, among other things, for being a prominent Bengali politician who did not subscribe to the Muslim League's vision of Pakistan. Instead, he chose secular India, rose to be the education secretary. Little did Kabir know that...
  17. Commander T

    Consquences of military operation in North waziristan

    Hafiz gul bahadur. >>>>>>> he is not sheltering ttp but some groups related to ttp and him in common..... Haqqani network+Ahmadzai wazirs of south waziristan>>>>>>> all the three above mentioned groups will not go alongside TTp not atleast completely, may be gave them some amunation but will...
  18. Commander T

    Getting it Right in Afghanistan: Prospects for 2014

    at that time they were in state of war.. they won because they never thought of price they will have to have pay.....and today we are at war...... and today we should not care about the price.... any kind of price..... we are having this situation in pakistan, in my point of view, because we...
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