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  1. Commander T

    Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

    as for as Prophethood is concerned, we agree that LAW BEARING(SHARIAT) Prophethood ended on Prophet PBUH... and no new shariat can come after Islam....but our problem starts when you take the meaning of HATAM in a really strange sence...... as for as prophethood is concerned, your aqeda is Jesus...
  2. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    bro, i am , (although i am a pakistani)........ and it was an answer to me by the Top commenter of this forum when, i raised objection to a point.... just hatred at its peak......
  3. Commander T

    Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

    Nazriya e pakistan was 10000000000000000000000% true........ but problem started when these strange beared creatures , who brutually opposed creation of pakisatan become MAME of pakistan and THEKEDAR of islam and pakistani nation let them be....and we who supported by our hearts and soul were...
  4. Commander T

    Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

    Hah------- GB, our creator? .......... i will not blame you---- you have been taught this......those who are Indians will live there, and those who are pakistanis will live here, let the time come,Pakistani nation will remove that clause from constituition...........Just like Hatam un Nabeyeen...
  5. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    i have a better idea.... lets make peace with everyone... and lets go to the nations who have knowledge, and lets gain back our heritage.......... becuase A scholar,s knowledge is his student,s Heritage :pakistan:
  6. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    This is my point.......That was our heritage..... our own..... but they came and took everything(knowledge) from us....and we were standing there, watching them doing research and our so callad scholars saying that NO;NO;NO DON'T DO RESEARCH ,THIS IS INFIDEL,s KNOWLEDGE............. sick...
  7. Commander T

    Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

    We tried to explain everything we can.... but you are deaf and blind exactly according to Quran.....Pakistan is our home, and we will gain it back with full honour anyway....... I personally don't consider that constitution even a joke which declare me non-muslim............Pakistan has written...
  8. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    i mean, seriouly, you think usa and uk are spending 100s of billion of dollar in there defence every year since 1945 for sipping coffee..... and you think they have nothing more than some boring nuclear weapons.............:what:.... atleast weather and space weapns are here since 80s...... so...
  9. Commander T

    Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

    the biggest problem of our nation is we always a very good and NICE opinion about what SHOULD be done...... but very almost never implement it in our own life..... this is the reason why we are here, untill and unless we don't change our behaviour nothing will change..... and yes, one can...
  10. Commander T

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    hahahahahaha...... both pak and india just wants the cream so they are getting it....
  11. Commander T

    The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years

    indeed, they were puppets.. but not supported by marathas but ANGREZI BEAT TE:taz:....britan fiest used marathas to limit mughal rule and then used Muslims or say mughals to their side and finished marathas..... but marathas were traitors to foriegners first and britian did same to marathas as...
  12. Commander T

    this is the real situation of Karachi, real people, real stories, please don't miss it

    does he sound like too baised.......... i like MQM but it looks like that this episode is FIXED
  13. Commander T

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    its not like we Can't, its just that we don't...........who told you that.......?:lol:
  14. Commander T

    One in five women raped in US: White House report

    This for India to calm down........If you know what i mean:rofl:
  15. Commander T

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

  16. Commander T

    Pakistan getting New Zealand like population annually

    ya, because they work extremly hard to increse population...........:guns::lol:
  17. Commander T

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: we are about to grant you MFN status since 1996 :rofl::rofl:..... we will take out the gold egg from your A**:rofl:
  18. Commander T

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Can't believe this..... you cannot be a bangali.....i didn't say because u are hating pakistan but because you are ready to sell your country to india just becaus india sends you some goods......... i mean does india gives you all this free of cost........... even if so you will sell your self...
  19. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    They,perhaps, meant that like if a nuclear weapon is used it has its effects on its neighouring cities and has its effects on global weather at large.... it was 69 years ago........it is quite possible( almost sure) that they may have developed such a Ion/ Space/weather weapon (currently unknown...
  20. Commander T

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to surpass Britain’s in a decade: Reports

    Pakistan may surpass Britan in quantity, but cannot surpass btitan in quality......not atleast in near future..... A recent claim from britan was that they have made a (may be nuclear) weapon that cannot be tested on earth because no matter where it is tested it will be a disaster for whole...
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