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  1. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    1.5 million ? I don't think it's that large. It's something like 600,000 active duty & 300,000 who are reserves. Not to mention 1/3rd of the regular army are conscripts. This however does not include the Basij, who are a purely paramilitary force.
  2. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Which protests against the Hijab? I don't know, I just thought the clip was funny because the woman tries to slap a woman & then gets put in his place Comparing Artesh and their border guards with PMU and PIJ is simply nonsense, this is like if the US marines were comparing themselves with...
  3. S

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Violent riots never brought about "better standards of living". You confused what I was talking about. The previous poster referred to Iranians who moved outside Iran as "trash". I responded "Calling people trash for wanting a better standard of living is pretty ignorant" That is why most...
  4. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This guy slaps a woman. As the saying goes "f**k around and find out" Honestly there's no excuse for a soldier in this day & age to be wearing a WW2 era helmet. Instead of arming Iranian soldier properly, they prefer to send the money to Hezbollah or the PMU in Iraq. Realistically Iran...
  5. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    So Wagner has taken all of Bakhmut proper. It's a shell of a city but they won.
  6. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Funny cartoon about weapons dealers and defense contractors profiting from the war in Ukraine https://rumble.com/v2p1qhu-comedic-parody-cartoon-about-the-war-in-ukraine.html
  7. S

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Calling people trash for wanting a better standard of living is pretty ignorant. Currently at least a third of all Iranians live below the poverty line. That's the official government narrative. However various government sources inside Iran claim that the majority of Iranians are currently...
  8. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Various small scale protests have broken out sporadically all over Iran over the recent execution of 3 men The 3 men were found guilty of taking part in recent protests & killing police & Basij members...
  9. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

  10. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ukraine now controls less than 1 SQ KM of territory in Bakhmut. I don't understand, what is the point of even holding territory in such a scenario ? Just watch the video. Russians are pounding their positions with TOS flamethrowers with thermobaric warheads & FAB-500 bombs with 1000+ pound...
  11. S

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    It has 400 mm of armor all round. That's impressive for any APC or IFV, especially one so large. Bradley has 30mm. An active protection system probably could be mounted on this monster but honestly APS is a bit over rated IMO. It can't protect against mines or IEDs. Also the enemy can use...
  12. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The Patriot system was definitely struck. The footage clearly shows an explosion in the exact area where the missiles were being launched from. You can also see several missiles that were launched appear to malfunction & fall back down. A picture was published in the morning showing a Patriot...
  13. S

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Well you've said that you don't want Iran to be a 1st world country. Why not ? Why do you have an inferiority complex ? This month there have been more Lancet strikes than ever before. A few days ago more than half a dozen videos were released Ukrainians are also using drones. In this...
  14. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I don't want to see regime change or a civil war either. Unfortunately I don't think that it's going to end with just rotten eggs or tomatoes. Some people seem to be in denial in regards to the societal issues inside Iran and they get upset if you even mention that there are any problems inside...
  15. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

  16. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Are you surprised ? I'm not
  17. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ukraine claims they shot down 6 Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, 9 Kalibur cruise missiles, 3 Iskandar tactical ballistic missiles & 9 drones including Shahed 136/131 / Geran-2 and others. They claim that they shot down everything Russia deployed a few hours ago over Kiev. To use a $5 million...
  18. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Well the Kinzhal claims have also been debunked recently so this is not a good look for the Patriot. For those who don't know, Ukraine recently claimed to have shot down a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile recently with a Patriot air defense system. However it's not true and there's...
  19. S

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Under the current circumstances I don't see the Iranian airforce even considering a 5th generation fighter for at least another 10 years at the minimum. Iran should continue to focus on air defenses & its UAV industry. As we've seen in Ukraine, potent air defenses & UAVs, when deployed...
  20. S

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Iran should have kept those Toophans for its own military, maybe given them to border guards. Honestly they should have given the Iraqis Safir jeeps or something. They should probably produce more Toophans. Seems like a decent platform. What's wrong with the Aras ? They need to mount an...
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