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  1. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Iran is said to be assessing 13 retaliation 'scenarios' against the US "13 scenarios for the revenge over the assassination of Qasem Soleimani have so far been discussed in Iran's Supreme National Security Council & even if all agree on the weakest scenario, yet it will bring a historic...
  2. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    But can they deal with Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile? It comes from the top so most of your defensive missiles will be useless.
  3. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    and Iran will launch ballistic missiles with cluster munitions at air bases where US forces will be deployed And don't forget about oil infrastructure of Arabian peninsula----it will be destroyed and US economy will suffer trillions of dollars of losses due to high oil prices Trump doesn't...
  4. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Iranian response will be over time increasing attacks against US military personnel in West Asia
  5. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    And people from the last century still talking Iran needs to buy J-10 or Su-30 to fight these F-35s
  6. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/killing-of-soleimani-follows-long-push-from-pompeo-for-aggressive-action-against-iran-but-airstrike-brings-serious-risks/2020/01/05/092a8e00-2f7d-11ea-be79-83e793dbcaef_story.html Secretary of State Mike Pompeo woke on Tuesday to a 4 a.m...
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    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Former CIA Director and general David Petraeus on Soleimani
  8. G

    Only nukes can truly protect Iran

    Iran needs to reach out to North Korea and buy their nukes and ICBM technology
  9. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    170 Iraqi MPs sign a resolution to expel U.S. troops from Iraq https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/443789/170-Iraqi-MPs-sign-a-resolution-to-expel-U-S-troops-from-Iraq
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    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Exclusive: Supreme Leader's military adviser says Iran's response will be 'against military sites' https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/05/middleeast/iran-soleimani-khamenei-adviser-intl/index.html
  11. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    I doubt he would make such a spontaneous decision---it was planned for many weeks maybe months----Embassy attack was just a good excuse. Naive news portraying him just spontaneously picking the target are specially designed to show Trump as unpredictable. US was silent after Abqaiq attack...
  12. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Gen. Petraeus on Qasem Soleimani’s killing: 'It's impossible to overstate the significance' https://www.pri.org/stories/2020-01-03/gen-petraeus-qasem-soleimani-s-killing-its-impossible-overstate-significance Quote: "Well, I suspect that the leaders in Washington were seeking to reestablish...
  13. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Hezbollah can destroy Israeli water supply, electricity supply, gas supply-----------but Israel can do the same with Lebanon
  14. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    This is a game of nerves and Iran should send a signal more relevant than just tweets-----mobilization and movement of troops will be fine If Iran will make a step back---in the future US will continue bullying Iran and crossing the red lines.
  15. G

    Iran says it foiled plot to kill Major General Qassem Soleimani

    Holocaust was a God blessing...Hope it will repeat again. Zieg Heil!
  16. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    US has no assets in the region---- two aicraft carriers and several bases.....all these assets are within reach of Iranian missiles together with oil infrastructure and Strait of Hormuz....Trump is bluffing....this is a game of nerves. Real preparation for war and deployment takes months Trump...
  17. G

    War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

    The truth is that financial and military damage to US will be so severe that US will cease being a superpower and Trump knows it.-----he has no balls to attack Iran.----Iran should respond harshly to Soleimani murder and see how US will make a step back
  18. G

    War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

    I will try to calculate the damage that will be done to US economy in the event of war with Iran Right now oil price is 60$ per barrel. What will be the oil price in the event of war? Some say-150$ per barrel, but this doesn't make sense, because 150$ per barrel was the price of oil in 2007...
  19. G

    War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

    LOL...IRGC Commander Unveils Details of US Message to Iran after Assassination of Gen. Soleimani https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/01/04/2174107/irgc-commander-unveils-details-of-us-message-to-iran-after-assassination-of-gen-soleimani US asked for ‘proportionate response’ to Soleimani’s...
  20. G

    War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

    10 years ago US imported a lot of oil---and closure of Straight of Hormuz was a real deterrence during Bush era But in 2019 US produced 12mln barrels of oil per day and consumed 20mln barrels of oil per day----so US imported 8mln barrels of oil per day---mostly from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela...
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