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  1. G

    Nouriel Roubini: Financial markets’ US/Iran delusion

    https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/jan/14/us-iran-conflict-growth-recession-stock-markets Following the US assassination of Iranian al-Quds commander Qassem Suleimani and Iran’s initial retaliation against two Iraqi bases housing US troops, financial markets moved into risk-off mode: oil...
  2. G

    Al-Sadr in Iran

    Muqtada al-Sadr meets with Iraqi Shia groups in Iran to discuss US withdrawal: report https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/25b7e948-686b-439b-bba9-06543ad52fd7 Iraq’s influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr reportedly met with representatives of Iraqi Shia groups in Iran to unite on the decision...
  3. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    One doesn't see such pictures of American bases very often Hope real revenge via proxies will follow this year----US troops should return back home in horizontal position
  4. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    CNN video of the consequences of Iran attack Video is above the article https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/13/middleeast/iran-strike-al-asad-base-iraq-exclusive-intl/index.html
  5. G

    Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

    Regarding defection---note that CIA usually likes to recruit champions and sportsmen and then use their defections for propaganda purposes.
  6. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Trump needs to pivot to Asia and Eastern Europe-----they can't afford another 4,5 years in the Middle East---they don't need another quagmire in times when China and Russia keep rising. If Trump is reelected---and no chance of return to JPCOA----Iran will increase number of centrifuges...
  7. G

    Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

    Based on the videos, protesters are not very numerous. Bunch of liberals probably So these protests are not a big deal as usual
  8. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Iran might have 3000 ballistic missiles and many thousands of Zelzal artillery rockets...Zelzal rockets will be launched to exhaust US arsenal of Patriot air defense missiles and then attack by more precise missiles will follow. But even with 30% success rate Iran can hit 1000 targets and this...
  9. G

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    Rockets hit Iraq military base hosting US troops https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/01/rockets-hit-iraq-military-base-hosting-troops-reports-200112163542278.html
  10. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    It is usually one launcher per 8-10 missiles. But Chinese short range missile DF-15 (similar to Fateh-313) has one launcher per 3 missiles. It is in Iranian interest to have as many launchers as possible and launch large numbers of missiles simultaneously in order to overwhelm enemy air...
  11. G

    It looks like Iran is ready to start bombing its fake aircraft carrier again

    I hope Iran will use Persian-Gulf anti-ship ballistic missile to sink this fake aircraft carrier in order to scare Americans.... It looks like Iran is ready to start bombing its fake aircraft carrier again...
  12. G

    Road to 2030

    It is important for Iran to avoid military collision with USA, because such a collision will be catastrophic for Iran's future. It will be beneficial for Iran if USA returns to JPOA, so Iran could continue selling its oil and take advantage of integration into global economy. Iran should...
  13. G

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Downing of this airplane looks like a CIA diversion designed for two purposes: 1) distract public attention from humiliating Iranian strikes against US bases 2) blame Iran and portrait it as an evil country that is responsible for downing of this airplane
  14. G

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Iran attacked US bases....what a shame for US not to respond even if there was no casualties....it shows that anyone can attack US assets and what US will do is impose more stupid sanctions....it is a slap in the face with no response.. And dont forget that previously Iran attacked Abqaiq...
  15. G

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    But it is a slap in a face anyway and US steps back...what a shame.
  16. G

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Iran attacked superpowers's bases with 13 precise hits and Trump made a step back like a pussy. What a slap to US's face! Iran: 1)attacked Saudi Aramco 2)attacked oil tankers 3) took down US drone 4)killed US contractor and injured many 5)stormed US embassy in Baghdad 6) recently attacked US...
  17. G

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Soleimani was a general and a politician. So a proportional revenge is to assassinate one US general and one US ambassador to a ME country
  18. G

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    You are making too many stupid posts on this forum. Maybe you will STFU
  19. G

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Things like murder of Soleimani can not be left without serious consequences. This was just an overt strike against US and US made a step back like a total pussy. And now to establish deterrence and to take revenge----in the period of 3 month to 2 years from now expect Iranian covert operation...
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