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  1. deep_blue

    Featured Pakistan government unveils new laws for Facebook, Twitter And Social Media companies

    We are always late on making lawas and implementing them. We did the same with TV channels. We did the same with cellular operators And we did the same with social media. Govt should immediately make laws and implement them at initial stages.
  2. deep_blue

    Forum Update 2020|Feedback and Discussion

    Please some one restore the previous version.
  3. deep_blue

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Is it possible or not?
  4. deep_blue

    Israeli Air Force jets touch down in Germany for historic air combat exercise

    What IAF is going to demonstrate "How to bomb inocent people?"
  5. deep_blue

    Shops, restaurants and small markets remained open on Monday in Karachi, Lahore and other big cities

    Exactly. Earlier this morning when I reached shahra e Faisal the first thing came to my mind that may be lock down is over . Too much tragic. People are not serious about lock down anymore.
  6. deep_blue

    Coronavirus shocking revelations: Conspiracy Theorists Welcome

    I was also thinking the same... I hope some scientists /researcher is Reding your post now
  7. deep_blue

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    Looks like inter services contingent. May be during rehearsals
  8. deep_blue

    Pakistan Day parade 2020 Has been cancelled.

    According to news channels Pakistan day parade has been cancelled The decision has been made today after a high profile meeting presided over by PMIk.
  9. deep_blue

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    A brave soul departs. Can't control my tears. May Allah bless you. Indeed your nation is proud of you.
  10. deep_blue

    Not much has changed for IAF a year after it was outgunned by Pakistan

    In a sence yes... Casualties from either side could have made the things worst.
  11. deep_blue

    What Abhinindon told to his seniors...?

    He did what a fighter is suppose to do. He lost his air battle to a superior equipment/environment/ pilot . He didn't try to ignite the crowd by shooting directly on any civilian. He answered the questions gracefully. He was brave enough to admire his enemy . He is has kept his word so...
  12. deep_blue

    Is Sri Lanka buying JF-17?

    You can't apply this logic for your defense related items. Any how. . .its just my opinion which can be wrong and I am not a decision maker.
  13. deep_blue

    Is Sri Lanka buying JF-17?

    No need to sell jf17 to any of the nations that can not stand against Indian pressure. A pro Indian govt in the future and you will find your fighter being evaluated by your enemy. Why is every one so desperate for the sales to every x.y.and z??? Make it lethal... And let it perform against your...
  14. deep_blue

    Not much has changed for IAF a year after it was outgunned by Pakistan

    Both IAF and PAF missed the ground targets deliberately.
  15. deep_blue

    Some Rare Footages of 1965 War

    Country Men...plz move on and get prepared for upcoming war...
  16. deep_blue

    Turkey’s air force can barely fly its F-16s - analyst

    US denied . https://stockholmcf.org/us-refuses-turkey-permission-to-use-pakistani-pilots-for-training-turkish-f-16-pilots/ https://www.turkishminute.com/2017/08/28/us-refuses-turkey-permission-to-use-pakistani-pilots-for-f-16-training/
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