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  1. R

    Cesored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power

    Enjoying the freedoms afforded by the USA whilst championing this new dictator is some cheek!
  2. R

    Cesored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power

    I'm not familiar with that meme. Please explain. Freedom to do as you wish WITHOUT hindering another from enjoying his/her full measure of freedom. That is the guiding principle.
  3. R

    Dhaka Stock Exchange picks China's bid for stake over India's

    I didn't realize that Bangladesh was such an investment opportunity.
  4. R

    Cesored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power

    Closed societies are ultimately weak societies. Democracy is a light that is powered by recognition of the desires of man to be free.
  5. R

    Pakistan-China FTA to be signed by mid March

    Free trade is a great concept. The UK needs free trade deals with all the major trading nations.
  6. R

    How Directorate S, ISI’s most Potent branch, outsmarted US in Kabul, continued subverting India

    Quoting such a rag should equal a ban. :laugh: No war will happen. Skirmishes, sure. Unless it comes from the Guardian or some such quality paper, best to ignore it.
  7. R

    Pakistan's New Nuclear Tactics Revealed

    It is clear in OS literature that Pakistan would first use tactical weapons on its own soil to halt any Indian attacks that threatened to break the country in half. Using them on its own soil would give a degree of legal cover wrt attacking another state. However, assuming India responded by...
  8. R

    For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

    Pakistan's ISI serves the needs of a developing nation. As with all such agencies, the successes are almost by necessity kept quiet and failures get picked up. It gathers data on Pakistan's rivals and I'm sure serves its functions well. As someone who is in graduate school for political...
  9. R

    US pressure policy on Pakistan is working: US officials

    I think Pakistan should try and maintain decent ties with all states. A foot in each camp cannot last.
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