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  1. G

    President Putin: I Support Israel

    Right ......:cheers:
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    Japan Economy Forum

    Nihonjin do you know mighty crown or barrier free music ? sorry off topic
  3. G

    President Putin: I Support Israel

    whut ??
  4. G

    Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate

    LOL ^^^^^^^^^^^ amount of bullshit you posted lol its not even worth a reply HaHaHa
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    Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate

    stfu dirty troll Who give those Kkkrackers the right to migrate a people into a land where people are already living in? The migration of European Jews into Palestine was an illegal act done by Europeans who falsely believe that they run the world and everything within it. They totally...
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    Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate

    I'm surprised the Nasty white europeans don't come in here talking about how he and his family are living in fear of the Hamas rockets that are landing close to there house on theresettlement. You know those Palestinian rockets sure are dangerous to those Israeli citizens who have a mansion on...
  7. G

    I Traveled to Palestine-Israel And Discovered There is no 'Palestinian-Israeli Conflict'

    I Traveled to Palestine-Israel And Discovered There is no 'Palestinian-Israeli Conflict' | Ferrari Sheppard
  8. G

    IDF commander declares holy war

    israel created hamas http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123275572295011847
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    Why Hamas started the war in Gaza

    Israel is a piece of shit terrorist nation, run by racist, bigots religious nutsacks. The vast majority of them have zero historical ties to the region, they are just another set of european colonizers. They have illegal nuclear weapons, they are in violation of many international laws, they are...
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    Boko Haramis - Why Pakistanis are not up in arms against them

    actually pakistanis are arent ttp the same as boko ?
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    IDF commander declares holy war

    thank god for pdf otherwise some of these fuckers would be raping some poor innocent girl in india :woot:
  12. G

    Protests rock Indian-controlled Kashmir over Israeli attacks on Gaza

    or indians thinking there kashmiri
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    Protests rock Indian-controlled Kashmir over Israeli attacks on Gaza

    n no beta im from mendhar and im not no singh or khan or kashmiri quom sorry im a jatt
  14. G

    President Putin: I Support Israel

    Dogbrogean is in which country ? Romania so palestine was in which country ?? stop spreading your lies even in the british house of commons theres a 1189 freeze(sp) on the wall showing richard the lionheart going on crusade to PALESTINE do check it
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    President Putin: I Support Israel

    and the people of this region ,what where they called ?
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    President Putin: I Support Israel

    yes heres a couple
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    Protests rock Indian-controlled Kashmir over Israeli attacks on Gaza

    I come from Kashmir about where i come from ,bhangi tumhari maa heh :buba_phone:
  18. G

    President Putin: I Support Israel

    what do you mean by palestinian term was coined after 47 ??
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