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  1. sharjeel_1992

    Assad is winning get over it Haters

    come on dear,,,it is al-saud owned newspaper and the guy writing it is general manager of it, so directly the employee of al-saud,,,,,,, what else can you expect from him,,,,nobody wants to be unemployed,,,,, tthen why doesnt ahmed jarba returns to syria?????????
  2. sharjeel_1992

    What does Iran benefit from by being anti-USA

    are you sure,,,,,what was Shamsi Airfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 100 % agreed,,,,,,,,, America's secret drone base in Saudi Arabia revealed - Telegraph
  3. sharjeel_1992

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    most probably,,,because it resembles them too much
  4. sharjeel_1992

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    long live islamic republic of iran,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. sharjeel_1992

    Azerbaijan President Visits Tehran - Agreements signed on sports, energy and construction

    dont give a damn to them,,,they have also been claiming nagarno karabakh for last 20+ years,,,,,
  6. sharjeel_1992

    Iranians' view on Afghanistan presidential election

    couldnt agree more with you on that,,,,,,had the elctions be free imran khan would have been the PM
  7. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    and when does counting in arabic became a standard for knowledge???? then you tell me dear,,, thats what this forum is about,,,,
  8. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    when did i tried to act like that???????? no one can force anyone here dear,,,,its an open forum
  9. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    i see,,,, its your habbit to run away rather then answering,,,(you also didnt answere me in another bashar al assad related thread),,,,,,,,,,,,you only answere when there is some knowledgeless person there so as to portray yourself as some one extremely knowledgeable,,,, yup,, the houthis are...
  10. sharjeel_1992

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    dont be sad,,,,i will recommend him to give what you want,,,,,,,
  11. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    From my humble research, the conflict of 2009/10 was indecisive(as per wiki). Saudi barely managed to expel them from their territory and that too with overwhelming force ratio( like 1 to 5) and complete air power. And even then the kill ratio is almost same, 133 saudis plus around 150 yemenis...
  12. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    as you know youtube is banned in pakkistan, so i can just see blank space in your post,,,,,,plz post your intended video in a way i can access it,,,,,,
  13. sharjeel_1992

    2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

    even if they have, what can you do????????
  14. sharjeel_1992

    IRAN : world's 4th cyber army

    maybe he didnt know that it was CIA but definately he knew it were foreigners/americans,,,,,,,
  15. sharjeel_1992

    IRAN : world's 4th cyber army

    working for a foreign spy agency inside your own country without knowledge of your government is a mole. and if not then you suggest a name?????
  16. sharjeel_1992

    IRAN : world's 4th cyber army

    i wish he would be that innocent,,,,my dear it was all a fake polio vaccination campaign and as a result the view of local people has been reinforced that polio campaigns are some kind of western conspiracies and all that crap,,,,not good for eradication of polio from pakistan
  17. sharjeel_1992

    Pakistan navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile

    in my humble opinion, instead of purchasing these missiles we could ask for transfer of technology and in case if chinese were reluctant(as this is one of their most advance weapon) then the best option would have been to obtain the technology from iran of their Qader (missile) - Wikipedia, the...
  18. sharjeel_1992

    IRAN : world's 4th cyber army

    moles are eveywhere,,,, dr shakeel afridi in case of pakistan
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