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  1. Bengal Tiger 71

    BSF arrested by BGB

    any news of the BSF soldier who enter our territory & arrested by BGB? till now he is release or not?
  2. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Coming 8 MRCA is SU 30 MK2s for BAF. Source:https://thaimilitaryandasianregion.wordpress.com/2015/11/30/su-30sm-multirole-fighter-aircraft-russia/
  3. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    What can offer Randia !!! they have nothing to give us, just a big bum country.
  4. Bengal Tiger 71

    BSF ‘torture to death’ a Bangladesh national in Chuadanga

    i think BGB must do this & how many days innocent people of BD killed by BSF in border. we always talk about our 1971 war where pakistan killed 3 m BD people but after liberation war 45 years passed where India killing BD people in border year to year .
  5. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    ohh, i would like to see new birds in BAF fleet.
  6. Bengal Tiger 71

    FM-90 missiles join Bangladesh Army’s anti-air defence

    why BD do not purchase more Ulsan class frigates.China help to build ships in KSY, if this is possible then we need to buy TOT of Ulsan class & made this in Chittagong ship yard.it will be good combination china & other origins.
  7. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    Now BD needs to increase tax on transit of sea port.
  8. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    BD needs to fixed again a big deal urgently like last deal with Russia 1 billion,equipment should be 2 squadron fighter jets, long range air defense system & 2 good quality long range missile guided frigate.:coffee::coffee:
  9. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    Keep your weapon in won pocket, we don't need Indian weapon. if some thing want to give then sign the tista treaty. i think India only know how can take something from her neighbor but do not know how to give her friendly neighbor.
  10. Bengal Tiger 71

    BSF arrested by BGB

    many days passed i did not taste sour mangoes with salt, very tasty.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  11. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    For the initial phase of till 2022 2 squadron su 30 & 2 squadron J 10, Russian & China combination it will be the perfect decision for purchase. not again mig 29. becoz its time to go ahead far away from MM.
  12. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    বাংলাদেশে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র যুদ্ধজাহাজ রপ্তানি করতে চায় ভারত, চলছে আলোচনা বাংলাদেশের কাছে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র, যুদ্ধজাহাজ সহ সামরিক সরঞ্জাম রপ্তানি করবে ভারত। এ নিয়ে দু’দেশের মধ্যে আলোচনা চলছে। এদেশে ‘ব্রহ্ম’ ও ‘আকাশ’-এর মতো ভারতীয় ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র রপ্তানির বিপুল সম্ভাবনা দেখছে ভারত সরকার। বাংলাদেশের কাছে...
  13. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    Lets go..................... for BD Navy Iver Huitfeldt-class Frigate [Denmark] These 6600 ton frigates look a bit bulky and clumsy when compared to other frigates, but they pack a lethal combination of weapons and sensors. Strength: Anti-Air Warfare Cost: US$325M/ship Propulsion: It...
  14. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Within 2020 BD Air force needs 48 Fighter jets. SU 30 MK2, Mig 35, J 10B, Saab Gripen from these birds origin should be two which can make BD fleet strong.
  15. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    Indian loan lovely............ok then we can buy with this loan any states of India but not arms from them.:lock::lock:
  16. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Any news of 8 fighter aircraft procurement? which country going to supply? But only 8 !!, at least 16 should be procure at a time.:what::what::what:
  17. Bengal Tiger 71

    India has offered $500 million USD loan of weapons to Bangladesh

    if the loan taken from India on account of this weapon purchase it will be a great wrong decision. when Sino-Bangla military relation are increasing day by day now India wake up for made relation with BD military.Really funny bcoz India so much afraid about this relationship. No weapon needed...
  18. Bengal Tiger 71

    Tensions rise between Myanmar, Bangladesh .

    If they belongs to BD then West Bengal also belongs to BD. obviously the warship should be used for transport Rohingya troops invade Arakan not for taking back them in BD. Rohingya people not belongs to BD but calculation of the current situation is we all are Muslim so all Muslim country...
  19. Bengal Tiger 71

    Tensions rise between Myanmar, Bangladesh .

    BD needs to deploy warship in Saint martin & Naf river immediately. We don't give any chances to monkey navy. if again this types of incident happen then BD needs to answer it with return fire not call their ambassador.only handover the protest letter.
  20. Bengal Tiger 71

    6 Bangladeshi injured by Mayanmar navy fire at Bangladeshi boat

    U mean uncounted millions in Myanmar, 20 million in India BD people live there, so if they belongs to BD then Myanmar & India also belongs to BD. specially 7 sisters :bunny::bunny:
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