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Bangladesh Navy

You have huge coast line, almost half of the size of India. You need to invest more on that instead of frigates and destroyers.
True..!! Our CG is just founded and need to add more vessels.. Small boats like Dvora will be add ed in soonest..
a interesting news is floating around that BD is going for 4 improved kilo submarines within 2019. Earlier it was 2 in consideration. Deal will be signed at the end of this year or early 2018.
I am confused now. Last time I heard anything about new submarines, Chinese was leading the bid with Yuan/Song Class submarine with a price tag of 250 million a piece.

How much Russia wants & what they will give in that price is a big question then!
I am confused now. Last time I heard anything about new submarines, Chinese was leading the bid with Yuan/Song Class submarine with a price tag of 250 million a piece.

How much Russia wants & what they will give in that price is a big question then!
if it is project 636.3 kilo class submarine version then it will cost $350-$400 million
Funny to see Burmese people bragging about their navy when their ships are not even equipped with manpads instead of SAMs.And Aung Zeya made a theory of how some Burmese naval engineers got Ph.Ds and made a whole stealth frigate.With this logic countries like Indonesia and Singapore will be creating stealthy destroyers.And Myanmar did it in such a short period of time.
Lol someone can't believe his eye how we built a frigates.. Believe it or not F 12 F14 already commissioned.. :D this is how we built.. :D

check our latest naval product MUSV-2 with RCWS
guys stay on topic.

I request you not to start a troll war in this thread.

@WAJsal @waz

if it is project 636.3 kilo class submarine version then it will cost $350-$400 million
If we go by price China will get the contract for sure.

Something tells me the contract is going China way, just like it happened with the MBT 2000 induction case.
If we go by price China will get the contract for sure.

Something tells me the contract is going China way, just like it happened with the MBT 2000 induction case.
yuan class is not $250million, it is almost same as this new russian submarine
yuan class is not $250million, it is almost same as this new russian submarine
I am not the one who proposed the price, it was the Chinese offer.

I just quoted what I was told. I can be wrong, that's all I am aware about.
Lol someone can't believe his eye how we built a frigates.. Believe it or not F 12 F14 already commissioned.. :D this is how we built.. :D
View attachment 366186
check our latest naval product MUSV-2 with RCWS
View attachment 366258
Come back when you have a point to counter.Just some workers welding some parts.No evidence of you guys designing the ship,lol.
Come back when you have a point to counter.Just some workers welding some parts.No evidence of you guys designing the ship,lol.
who show u photos of designing state..? lol believe it or not.. that's ur choice :D too many off-topic posts here.. i'm done with it.. :D
Lets go..................... for BD Navy

Iver Huitfeldt-class Frigate [Denmark]

These 6600 ton frigates look a bit bulky and clumsy when compared to other frigates, but they pack a lethal combination of weapons and sensors.

Strength: Anti-Air Warfare

Cost: US$325M/ship

Propulsion: It is powered by 4 MTU diesel engines which generate 8.2 MW each for a total of 32.8 MW of power.


    • 32 Mk 41 VLS cells for a total of 32 SM-2 IIIA surface-to-air missiles (100+ km range)
    • Mk 56 VLS cells for 24 RIM-162 ESSM ( 50 km range)
    • 2 quad launchers for 8 Harpoon anti-ship missiles
    • 1 × Oerlikon Millennium 35 mm CIWS. This a highly advanced revolver gun with a 1000 rpm rate of fire. It uses special air-burst ammunition to destroy incoming threats.
    • 2 × OTO Melara 76 mm guns ( Will be replaced by 127 mm and 35 mm guns)
    • 2 × Dual MU90 ASW torpedo launchers

We need ship like this one then we will also more ahead from bully MM.

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