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  1. Dante

    Japan Shows Off Its Missile-Defense System

    1st of all, Kongo and Atago would never operating nor being deployed alone, they are and always have been deployed as a flotilla with other destroyers and subs protecting them 2nd, the Takanami and the Akizuki are specifically made for guarding the Kongo and the Atago from multiple threats...
  2. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Well for AMX 13, I kind of understand the reason why the army retrofitting some of it (not all) as a stopgap, but I'm sure they understand too that AMX is obsolete platform I'm pretty sure they go for modified marder and soon to be PINDAD medium tank rather than keeping the AMX And beside...
  3. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    1.5 billion is more than half of Philippine annual defense budget, so I don't think your idea is feasible And the Philippines so far done well with the Broncos, sure they need to be replaced soon, but they can replace it with other COIN plane like Super Tucano, which is cheaper, rather than...
  4. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Why on PT76?it's an obsolete platform, and I heard the Marine will get BTR4 from Ukraine and if PINDAD successfully reverse enginering that vehicle, then sure you can put the 105 canon on it for MGS vehicle But you should done with retrofitting older and obsolete vehicle, obsolete weapon do...
  5. Dante

    Japan looks forward to strong military ties with the Philippines

    You operate Sokols from Poland, some mortar system from yugoslav & serbia....surely they're old warsaw pact and/or soviet influenced countries
  6. Dante

    Indonesia and the Philippines: A tale of two democracies

    I hope Indonesia would continue preserving a new democratic tradition, I'm surprised with the pace of the transformation from dictatorship into democratic nation
  7. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    I think what concern me is making Dirgantara a healthy company financially, and I'm sure sll of you agree with me Expanding production line wouldn't be a problem if Dirgantara has some flexibility financially So keep the company healthy is thr tagline
  8. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    I have to admit that I agree with madokafc comment, if RAI is a different entity then they shouldn't burden Dirgantara with their production line, that's very unprofessional and abusive Unless they can ensure Dirgantara share in the project and divided the profit equally A friend of mine...
  9. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    So R80 will be build in Dirgantara assembly line then? Thanks for the respon indos
  10. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    Is anyone know where the production line base for R80? Because it's made by different company right?not Dirgantara
  11. Dante

    Japan, Indonesia team up on HTGR development

    I think Indonesian Borneo is the right place for several nuclear power plants, its right in the middle of continental self, so it's unlikely damage by earthquake, less populous than java or sumatra, no active vulcano beside the kinabalu in Sabah
  12. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I think the army done well in order to become manouvering unit, AFAIK they concentrating on firepower and mobility beautifully Some achievement that need to be congratulated, especially from a foot infantry based army Oh btw can someone care to explain to me about Indonesian navy capability...
  13. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Well of course I speak, read and write Indonesian perfectly, but since this forum is international one then I stick with english And of course I want to keep up with news about Indonesia, and other ASEAN nations
  14. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Is that a problem?do I have to explain who I am? I think the information in this forum about me is quite clear on my ancestral nationality and where I lived
  15. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I kind of get Indonesian Army is now evolving towards a modern Combine Arms Manouvering Brigades....... but for the navy, I have to admit I'm still clueless, indeed that the navy too is very progressive modernizing their military hardware.....but beside those widely known concept so called...
  16. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Each countries who bought Leopard 2 like Singapore and Chile have their own version of upgrades, so A4 version of each countries can vary greatly
  17. Dante

    Tourist visas to be introduced in KSA

    What do you means?
  18. Dante

    Tourist visas to be introduced in KSA

    Hi can someone explain why KSA only allowed people who hold passport with three names system (1st, middle & last name) I'm very interested visiting KSA and I'm moslem
  19. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Totally agree with you
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