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  1. Danny2014

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    Jlaw, you are quite obsessed with Vietnam.:cheers:
  2. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    NiceGuy is such an idiot. I never really read his shitty posts.
  3. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    You Chinese killed innocent civilians and you expect me to believe that picture? Pure propaganda as it its finest.
  4. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    wtf you talking about? Go take some ESL courses zipperhead.
  5. Danny2014

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    What is next? China is going to claim Hawaii? Oh wait they already did.:victory:
  6. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I did answered your posts fool. Now get with the program. 10 percent population of Vietnam has the surname of Le. What you need to do is quit claiming what is not yours and stick to reality.
  7. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Now you are just getting desperate boy. Majority of my friends have the last name of Le, and I know dam well they are not Chinese. If you want to claim Chinese born in Vietnam. You should claim Jiverly Wong. This guy was born in Vietnam but 100 percent Chinese Ethnicity. The perpetrator...
  8. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Quit making up shit William Hung.
  9. Danny2014

    South China Sea Forum

    You need to import yourself a new haircut and nose.
  10. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Yes, you a Chinese guy (PLA) pretending to be a Spanish guy.
  11. Danny2014

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I am a Vietnamese living in California USA. So I guess I must be considered a Vietnamese pretending to be a "Fake White American Guy". :usflag:
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