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  1. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Tankies on suicide watch.
  2. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    New explosion in Crimea. Someone ought to tell the orcs to stop smoking near ammo depots.
  3. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    "lemme drive between those 2 destroyed BMPs"
  4. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Russian "no aircraft were lost" MOD recycling footage of precision strikes
  5. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Apparently they posted this image online with the base's address visible lmao
  6. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Russian AD absolutely worthless.
  7. H

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Cool video of a Javelin hunting it's favorite prey: a russian tank
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