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  1. Shak

    Syed Zaid Hamid Blasting SAFMA & The Hostile Indian Media !!!

    Zaid is not practical guy ...he say lot of things but no output....such as pakistan will reach moon in 5 years....pakistan will be center of world and pakistan is last fort of Islam ....etc etc.... over period of time some people have realized his bullshit and remaing will understand after few...
  2. Shak

    India's atrocities in Kashmir: A hell on earth

    cancle 370 and scew this bullshit...... either give kashmir to pakistan or take it and shut there mouth ..... time to loose IA for final assualt.
  3. Shak


    TTP is tryinh to puch above its weight...... USA will screw TTP Up an down if it do any mistake on USA soil ....
  4. Shak

    11 things you didn't know about India's LCA fighter jet

    which part is made in pakistan sir... please let us know too.
  5. Shak

    PAF on high alert amid increasing hostility on LoC

    PAF should keep drones in check ....moreover somethibg like osama hunting and mallala will put more shame.....
  6. Shak

    Drone attack in Khyber Agency, 6 Killed

    Dear at some point of time we should realise that ....its job of own govt and own people....no one from outside should do do yor job....basically impotent pak govt outsourcing job to usa ......
  7. Shak

    Drone attack in Khyber Agency, 6 Killed

    Pakistanis are just for talk no practical action....even we are seeing this dron attacks are wrong....shame on you people who cant defend own country ..... very bad
  8. Shak

    Pakistan Could Have Become an Asian Tiger By Now

    there is no land reforms in pakistan. 85% land is occupied by 10-15% populaion......fact is different on ground.... you had potential but no correct direction and in present time lot need to done to over come....all the best and work hard...no shot cuts and day dreaming
  9. Shak

    Elderly Ahmadi man arrested for reading the Holy Qur'an

    is this criminal act for only Ahamadi or other non muslim's too?
  10. Shak

    Question to Indians about Pakistani identity

    because pakistani denies any thing prior arrival of Islam..... completly manupulated by Arab culture.... burkha ..hijab is just example....
  11. Shak

    A ‘Muslim Union’ is the need of the hour

    there was no unity among muslims since beginnign post death of prophet .... one side completly left out and denied their rights...... muslims are worst enemy for muslims.......and its proved since beginning of Islam.....battle of siffin .... battle of karabala......etc etc power hungry people...
  12. Shak

    India: Democracy Soaked In Blood of Her Own People

    look at you pakistanis and then raise finger to anyone else...... go have some land reform ....kick ttp and same minded pu$$ey and the lecture others......
  13. Shak

    Bani-Israel, Judaism & Jews

    abi safyan .... what is this for?
  14. Shak

    Saudi petrochem giant opens tech centre in Bangalore (India)

    and you cantnot play muslim card here because ....there is no unity amoung muslims in present time........ its all busi
  15. Shak

    Saudi petrochem giant opens tech centre in Bangalore (India)

    its business and no need to get so emotional..... pakistan is no where in potentional to what invester is looking for....pakistan dont have any right to cry in this deal...............
  16. Shak

    Counter-Terrorism: The Dark Secrets Of Islamic Terrorism

    stop all this beliver and non beliver non sence and go as per facts.... top there is no logical reson to hate jews .... expect they rejected to accept islamic prophet as their own and thats trute...... you guys accept or dont accept ......
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