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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    just got some very useful fact from video. it will help a lot just 5 mins i need to post you helped me alot , I've found something from the video, just 5mins. very important
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Bloody Indians will call it f-16. Copy my saying.
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    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    US finally supporting india. """"" look the wreckage, its the chopper not the jet """"""
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    You can't even find a single signature of Abhi on those docs
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    Think for a minute "If we do use F-16 to shoot down the hostilities and to bomb the targets (are we not supposed to use our jet to do so, also why US delivered us AIM-9,Aim-120, Penetration bombs, mk's , gbu's .......). Why India is barking if suppose we used f-16's. We bought them for our...
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    1) Shahzaz ul din is not any Muslim name. Poor indians didn't even choose a good name of imaginary victim. 2) Were the locals blind to see PAKISTANI FLAG at the shoulder of pilot while beating. 3) No.19 Sherdil i think so. They're at Bholari not Sargodha
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    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    That's really horrible. Clear signs of missile Penetration in their heli
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    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    Eastern airspace over Loc mostly empty on flight flight radad
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    Reports of fighting on In Sialkot, Narowal sector.

    yes he is smart. he answered our questions and was not like your minister who was in hurry to go back to bed.
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    Reports of fighting on In Sialkot, Narowal sector.

    Sure, you may come again to strike them this time, We'll welcome your jets.
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    Nuclear Attack Safety Measures

    In case of Nuclear war, take these measures as soon as possible. If you are very close to ground zero (blast location) chances of survival are less than 0.001%, because the shockwave, the heat burns and the air pressure will kill you at least the flash will turn you blind. If you are living at...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    heard right now, according to India tv, uav downed by iaf .
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    yaar please don't agree with indian media....... I'm pretty sure, Mirage can't carry lgb
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    Air Force Question Thread

    One question trolling in my mind for months; Why PAF wastes alot of money in buying training weapons (i mean dummy) weapons. You can see at all display or airshow pictures that all the weapons pilled up for show , they all have one thing written on them : "INERT or DUMMY" Even you see the...
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    Guys ! We are not aware of 2 features of JF-17

    Right ! but do you know anything about what's an IRST option doing out there. Can an IRST be carried on some external rack or something else, bcs the button is present out there ?
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    Guys ! We are not aware of 2 features of JF-17

    I know its a silly thing to say but i don't know if any one knows about this. Jf-17 block 1 has : 1) HMD option 2) IRST pod option too. Please clear me if your knowledge is better than mine. Following is the proof. On right side panel of JF-17 cockpit, there's a button pannel, rest you can see...
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    India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

    now , what the hell is this ???????? Lockheed martin's new f-21 for IAF
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    request for webmaster to add defence.pk to freebasics

    Assalamoalikum, can webmaster or site controller please add this site to freebasics by facebook. it will be easy to get access to by everyone. Just a request.
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