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  1. Type59

    Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

    Any updates on IK?
  2. Type59

    Indian scammers are robbing Americans - Mark Rober

    These call centre people pay off police and politicians to look other way. Remember who dominates government institutions RSS supporters. Is crime encouraged in RSS Hinduism? Seriously question, everyone is well aware of crime rates when taliban ran Afghanistan, Saudis are tough on crime.
  3. Type59

    World Happiness Report 2021: India ranks 139 out of 149 nations, Pakistan happier at 105

    India is consistently unhappy year on year. Indians are frustrated. The mainstream and social media propaganda has left them confused, meant to be a "superpower" but average Indian sees poverty everywhere. Poverty and corruption have not got better under Modi's rule, but cant admit it because of...
  4. Type59

    Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

    Hopefully he has competent doctors looking after him. I am no expert just highlighting what I have read.
  5. Type59

    Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

    Pakistan produces remdesivir under license. Due to virus is at early stages it should be effective. Course is a intravenous drip daily for 5 days. Then more advanced treatment is the antibody one. Expensive because it needs to be imported and relatively new treatment. Trump got it and it...
  6. Type59

    Eight Christians hospitalised after attack by Hindutva(upper caste) goons, to prevent lower caste from leaving Hinduism

    Hope more will convert to Christianity. USA is watching, if you decide to repress them.
  7. Type59

    Chinese Type 99A MBT. Best MBT in Asia.

    Read that I stated its modular. Armour can be upgraded. Weight ranges from 40t to 48t. Japanese can always add ERA, Ukraine Duplex ERA is available or make home grown variant.
  8. Type59

    Fazlur rehman leaves press conference leaving maryam alone.

    Ppp know he wont return. Zardari thinking he is being clever, but everyone knows he has no intention to resign. If Nawaz returns, PPP will make other demands.
  9. Type59

    How about that Tesla Stock ? 900 down to 677

    The car market is big enough for multiple players. Even if Tesla becomes the 5th largest manufacturer, it will still sells millions. Not as prominent as selling cars, tesla makes giant utility batteries thats will a big earner for tesla. People need to stop obsessing over being number 1.
  10. Type59

    No benefit of long march unless resignations are submitted, says Fazl ahead of PDM meeting

    PPP know they have a good deal in running sindh. Salute to PTI in uniting various groups in Pakistan in form of PDM.
  11. Type59

    Chinese Type 99A MBT. Best MBT in Asia.

    Well going by the weight logic, Arjun has the best armour in Asia. It is around 68 tons. From global security: The vehicle's armor consists of modular sections, providing the ability to mount varying degrees of protection depending on the mission profile and weight requirements. Vehicle...
  12. Type59

    London mayor unhappy over ‘white men’ in science and engineering and plan to reduce that number

    Whatever sadiq says certain people will jump on him. Remember Trump and sons? Boris has made white professionals life harder by campaigning against EU.
  13. Type59

    Chinese Type 99A MBT. Best MBT in Asia.

    How is type 10 not as good as advertised? Great tank Japan developed.
  14. Type59

    US singer Rihanna is a ISI agent.

    Nah he is just dumb. Banning notes in 2016, clouds block radar, poorly implemented GST and lockdown, and more. Still dude is popular.
  15. Type59

    Donkey meat in high demand in Andhra over healing, sex drive enhancing claims

    If Muslims dominate the donkey meat trade, Bjp will ban it.
  16. Type59

    Dehradun: Cadets from Tajikistan and India clash in Indian Military Academy, many suffered serious injuries

    Damn. No military police or senior officers to break up fight? Tajikistan great friend you have in India.
  17. Type59

    3-year-old dies after UP hospital ‘discharges(thrown out) her without stitches for not clearing dues’

    I thought india has free healthcare? Judging by pictures of government hospitals, the bjp has looted the money. R.I.P little girl, you witnessed the greed of society.
  18. Type59

    South Korean Probe Finds No Link Between AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine And Deaths

    Read up on technology. Astrazeneca does not use mRNA.
  19. Type59

    “Pakistan was not created to make Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari billionaires." said PM Imran Khan

    IK should get tough. PDM criticism is based on him being "selected". The leaders of PDM have been proven to be corrupt, Panamagate etc. Even before PTI gained power, most people knew about these thieves deeds. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/aug/21/pakistan.benazirbhutto Plenty of ammo to...
  20. Type59

    how i can reduce my cockroach phobia

    Get a pop up mosquito tent. I slept in it when I stayed in a cockroach infested hotel. I got pictures of them, shall I share?
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