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London mayor unhappy over ‘white men’ in science and engineering and plan to reduce that number

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Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Viet Nam
Mayor Sadiq Khan says he wants fewer white men working in science and engineering. His plan to “fix” the situation has sparked a furious backlash online.

“There's no good reason why 65% of people working in science and engineering should be white men,” Khan tweeted on Saturday, citing figures from the British Science Association. Khan went on to claim that “inequality costs people's futures & the economy billions,” but reassured voters that “we’re working on fixing it.”

Khan’s plan to redress the apparent racial imbalance involves funding primary and secondary schools with students “who are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and maths,” and paying for these students to enter the CREST Awards, a scheme that introduces teenagers to real-world scientific research.
To Khan’s critics, the scheme smacked of “positive discrimination” and racism in disguise.”

“How about 80% of the population are white? That any good for you?,”
tweeted actor Laurence Fox, who is running against Khan in this May’s mayoral election. “People just want to get on. We don’t notice skin colour until race hustlers like you come along. We are all British whatever colour our skin happens to be. Why are you always trying to divide us?”

Despite Khan’s quest for equity, non-whites are not underrepresented in science and engineering relative to the rest of the population, owing to the fact that people of Indian ethnicity are more likely to work in these fields than elsewhere. Likewise, his office’s claim that inequality in the STEM fields “costs the UK economy £6.3bn annually” is not entirely accurate, as skill shortages in the STEM sector cost the UK economy around £1.5 billion per year rather than £6.3 billion, and the government has highlighted a lack of ethnic and gender diversity as one of seven factors responsible for this cost.

Lol, hear them cry......
His intentions are good but he chose wrong words to express them.
Recently prominent white man media are shouting maths discriminate blacks
He is a turd.trash him please.. and he has nothing to do with us, people here should stop defending the small man.
Blacks are saying they got permanent psychological damage after sitting inside maths lecture. I think Maths are really genociding blacks.
Whatever sadiq says certain people will jump on him. Remember Trump and sons?

Boris has made white professionals life harder by campaigning against EU.
So many people who want to purposefully misinterpret this man.

He's not saying there should be less white men, he's saying that he wants more minorities to even the odds.

The lack of critical thinking skills is frankly embarrassing.

[Edit] the fact that going through their profile, and seeing they're white, and conservative really just proves to me that these people just have fragile little egos, and get butthurt over nothing. What a bunch of useless snowflakes.

@waz can I request a lock on this thread? This is literally a non-issue.
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So many people who want to purposefully misinterpret this man.

He's not saying there should be less white men, he's saying that he wants more minorities to even the odds.

The lack of critical thinking skills is frankly embarrassing.

The anglo worshipping in vietnam and philippines is cringe and sickening
Whatever sadiq says certain people will jump on him. Remember Trump and sons?

Boris has made white professionals life harder by campaigning against EU.
Trump and his sons are no where as bad as these white worshipping asians "viets,pinoys"

The anglo worshipping in vietnam and philippines is cringe and sickening
Not just them. I find that so many non-whites look for white validation, and it sickens me. How many threads do we have to see of these white tourists coming to places like Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines, India...etc, and saying that the country is so kind and friendly, even though they probably think of them as shitholes filled with savages? These white YouTubers know that they'll get views from gullible dark-skinned/thin-eyed savages, and that brown and Asian people will just drink their diarrhea with an open mouth and happy smile.

Its infuriating, and it disgusts me.
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