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  1. Type59

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Hz should further improve itself. Once Iran fields drones with Air to Air combat capability then Hezbollah will get soon after. Hezbollah will learn and improve with current conflict. The group is a massive deterrent against Isreal for Iran.
  2. Type59

    France threatens English post Brexist

    French are crazy. Some things can be sorted with talks.
  3. Type59

    13-year old ‘zaheid Ali’ body found in the river Thames.

    Human mind is brilliant and flawed at the same time. R. I. P
  4. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    Proving corruption takes alot of resources. Is Pakistan a dictatorship, which a leader can just fire people without evidence?
  5. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    Lol. Your naive to think pmln did not stuff its people in all sections of punjab government, look at LHC. Pti cant fire everyone it will lead to paralysis of government, so has too work with current set up and try to change it. But I doubt change will happen.
  6. Type59

    The UK's new Challenger 3 tank.

    Now Brits have adopted smoothbore. Indian army will demand same from Arjun, more delays incoming.
  7. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    Okay Hamza Sharif fanboy. Hopefully people will talk about this artificial crisis and blame the opposition.
  8. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    IK corruption? Show me his overseas houses? Today shahbaz wanted to go abroad due to poor facilities in Pakistan. Atleast IK charity built hospitals. IK is just one man, he cant do anything against multi millionaires that have connections with all parties, including pti, military, judiciary and...
  9. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    Pmln and ppp aligned cartels caught red handed. Pakistan's people had too suffer due to their greed and lust for power. You should be outraged that your party leaders deliberately caused hardship to the masses.
  10. Type59

    Karl Rock says Jai Hind in Pakistan

    His viewers are mostly indian. Soo needs to keep them happy. Karl knew, if he said "Pakistan Zindabad" he would never be allowed back into India. Indian government locks up pigeons, soo easily get offended.
  11. Type59

    Collusion between poultry feed firms led to egg, chicken price hike: CCP inquiry

    I wonder, which groups own plants? I knew inflation was partially due to cartels wanting to humiliate government. https://www.dawn.com/news/1622643
  12. Type59

    Hydro power plants updates

    Whats status of mini hydro plants in KP. Have all 300 plus been constructed?
  13. Type59

    Help me (SUICIDAL)

    Basically antidepressants. Try out sertaline. First it will mess with your sleep and make you drowsy but it helps. You got nothing to lose, but all to gain.
  14. Type59

    Lahore High Court allows Shehbaz Sharif to travel abroad

    If both Sharifs are out of country their hold on pmln will loosen. Maryam next will be begging courts for treatment abroad. Soo, if shabaz stays abroad then good.
  15. Type59

    Scene outside Delhi's Covid care units looking up

    Okay, are you desperately trying to portray positivity. Modi and rss should say sorry to indian population for being unprepared. Opinions of PDF dont matter.
  16. Type59

    Illegal Chinese Logging is destroying Africa's forests

    Materialism gone mad, gotta have rare stuff to show off. Artificial value placed on objects with no real value. Chinese should relearn "rationality", which communism teaches. Chinese not just guilty of this, many humans want bragging rights. If criticise their excesses they will call you a...
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