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  1. Type59

    Actor Sara Ali Khan shares pictures of her visit to Kedarnath temple, gets abused by Islamists for being a “Kafir Muslim”

    Alot of fake profiles on Twitter. I could go online and pretend to be Hindu, Hardick Sukdeep and educate myself on Rss ideology. Not difficult.
  2. Type59

    Statue of Qaid e Azam demolished by BLA I(BRA).In High security zone

    Jinnah won't be forgotten, hence no need for statue. Money can be used to benefit existing museums.
  3. Type59


    What happened to fastest supercomputer claim by 2020? India will lag continuously due to politics and brightest will emigrate abroad. Look at the politicians, not one could be classed as an intellectual or even trustworthy.
  4. Type59


    You have not learnt anything from defence forums or military history. Always been a race between offense and defence, hence making assumptions is incorrect.
  5. Type59

    Government likely to increase gas prices

    Government cannot afford to subsidies prices, unless international buyers take rupees. Whats your suggestion to keep gas prices low?
  6. Type59

    Assam: When you get Bored of Fascism in TV and Want to Apply it Practically in the Field

    Indians most malnourished looking people despite being "superpower". Let them eat hate, modi has repeatedly made them poorer and fed them politics.
  7. Type59

    Indian training camps of ISIS terrorists: Evidence revealed

    Using proxies to destabilise Pakistan, its common throughout human history. Indians like you are naive to believe your nation is clean. A prosperous Pakistan confirms the two nation theory, which you guys loath to have Pakistan being seen as more developed. Ironically Bangladesh is rapidly...
  8. Type59

    "Export of August 2021 fall short and only USD 2.257 billion"Abdul Razak

    Remittance should be factored in.
  9. Type59

    Modi chairs the meeting on Afghanistan. His expressions tells the whole story.

    Look at the evidence, none are shutting down embassies and many more examples too lazy to list. Your not bright to think terrorism should end with collapse of kabul government. Gonna take years, but since RAW consulates are closed it will be easier.
  10. Type59

    Modi chairs the meeting on Afghanistan. His expressions tells the whole story.

    Your mad because Russians have abandoned your cause. All of Afghanistan's neighbours want peace in the country. India can spend more dollars and neglect its own people.
  11. Type59

    Afghans fly national flag in on Independence Day amid Taliban takeover

    Thankfully they have indian keyboard warriors on Twitter on their side. Yes, RSS RAW will provide money to anti taliban at expense of Indian healthcare system. The world saw how underfunded Indian institutions are and worse the apathy the government directs at its citizens.
  12. Type59

    Modi-led government in UP set to rename historic Aligarh city to Harigarh

    If some paid extremists, damage Hindu properties in Pakistan, RSS twitter army will react. These guys are in power in India and pretend to be the victims. Changing names is not gonna eradicate corruption in India that is their real problem.
  13. Type59

    IAF C-17 land in India with 200 India and Afghan nationals

    Life being in danger is an exaggeration? RSS indians should have deployed troops in Afghanistan, instead of deploying keyboard warriors on Twitter. Keyboard warrior your ally the Russians have been supporting the Taliban. Stick to Twitter because without Russia, you are limited.
  14. Type59

    Terrorist group SSP attacks Shia mourners in Karachi.

    Theres gonna be concerted efforts by internal and external players to make Pakistanis suffer. Only hope is the masses of this nation continue to reject their meddling.
  15. Type59

    Did not Saw ANY ARTILLERY OR TANKS FOR ANA (Afghan Army) on TV?

    Left over tanks from cold war era.
  16. Type59

    “Resign Modi”: Independence Day banner dropped from London’s Bridge

    I meant ex central bank chief. We will see. All I know, Northern Alliance is buried. Iran and RUSSIA have accommodated Taliban. Drug trade benefited alot of people, I would be suprised, if Hindustanis in Afghanistan did not benefit from trade.
  17. Type59

    “Resign Modi”: Independence Day banner dropped from London’s Bridge

    Indian government changed gdp methodology. Your fmr finance minister said gdp methodology is wrong. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/indias-gdp-growth-overestimated-by-25-says-former-cea-arvind-subramanian/article27788143.ece Military and bureaucracy have been politicised under...
  18. Type59

    “Resign Modi”: Independence Day banner dropped from London’s Bridge

    Selective evidence. When people were swarming banks 2016, people walking home 2020 lockdown and 2021 hospitals overflowing. Despite this rss have convinced you poverty has decreased. Scammers rule india, Karl rock, the youtuber is banned from india because he highlighted that.
  19. Type59

    “Resign Modi”: Independence Day banner dropped from London’s Bridge

    Keep telling yourself that. Since 2016 rss have convinced you guys things are great, despite the evidence. I got nothing against usa and nato, the reality is Afghans choose poorly by aligning with India.
  20. Type59

    “Resign Modi”: Independence Day banner dropped from London’s Bridge

    Good that your mad.. Under Congress, India was seen as a rising superpower, how things have changed under modi. Former northern alliance buddies, Iran and Russia betrayed you. You must be burning about Russia.
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