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  1. Type59

    U.S to split afghan reserves between 9/11 victims and hungry afghans

    Well it is US money in first place. Aid money etc.
  2. Type59

    The ship of IK is sinking, maryum nawaz.

    Can she be PM? Is there a rule against convicts being PM?
  3. Type59

    Egyptian President Sisi in an official visit to Abu Dhabi to discuss the latest regional developments

    Plans are good, if implemented successful. However making plans into reality is not easy.
  4. Type59

    Israeli officer to be stationed in Arab country in historic first

    These countries are deliberately kept weak economically and military, soo they are no threat to Israel.
  5. Type59

    Egyptian President Sisi in an official visit to Abu Dhabi to discuss the latest regional developments

    Iran and Tunisia have low birthrates, the former is a theocracy. Point, I am making is Egypt has failed to improve its human capital. If Egypt had focused on education etc, it's military would reap the benefits.
  6. Type59

    Egyptian President Sisi in an official visit to Abu Dhabi to discuss the latest regional developments

    Egypt fails to invest in its own people. Despite claiming to be "progressive" the rulers have abandoned it's people. Usually highly literate societies have smaller families, but Egypt has a high birthrate. Then there's high unemployment for a country that is "pragmatic".
  7. Type59

    Bahrain buys Israeli radars and anti-drone systems

    What's with the anger Danish? my words hold no weight in international politics
  8. Type59

    Bahrain buys Israeli radars and anti-drone systems

    Making peace has its merits, but buying weapons from them is stupid. Its in Israel's interest to keep regional nations weak. Israel has employed many methods to achieve this. Mainly regional leaders and non state actors have repeatedly been infiltrated by fifth columnists.
  9. Type59

    India announces huge defence budget

    Pakistan has been forced to cut subsidies, due to debt pressures, same happened to many other countries. India today can afford to sustain it, but decades to come, situation most likely be different.
  10. Type59

    Bitcoin mining: A solution to Pakistan's new energy problem?

    Mining is not labour intensive, soo only a minority will reap rewards. Also will create localised blackouts especially in summer.
  11. Type59

    Inflation at its highest in two years : CPI increased by 13% in January

    I wish it was as easy as blaming PTI.
  12. Type59

    India announces huge defence budget

    https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/indian-shares-rise-ahead-federal-budget-2022-02-01/ The government is targeting gross borrowing of 14.95 trillion rupees ($199.90 billion) to support a bigger annual budget of 39.45 trillion rupees as it boosts investments in highways and affordable...
  13. Type59

    India announces huge defence budget

    India is proud they did not use a single bullet against Chinese. I wonder where budget goes, if too scared to tackle China on own "territory".
  14. Type59

    Urgent: Air raids by the Royal Moroccan Air Force on several sites of the separatist militia known as the Polisario

    Area is disputed according to UN. Personally, I am not pro or anti Polisario. Bringing in "Iranian connection" seems like propaganda. "Iranians everywhere" seems like Morocco and Tel Aviv playing oldest trick, create proxy groups that are unaware who actually created them. These Shia groups...
  15. Type59

    Has Imran Khan Successfully Destroyed the Institution of Army too?

    I thought he was "selected". These days your full of anger.
  16. Type59

    Has Imran Khan Successfully Destroyed the Institution of Army too?

    You have put too much importance to IK, especially regarding military.
  17. Type59

    SpaceX crushes rocket engine world record during Raptor test

    SpaceX has crushed ISRO. SpaceX rockets are cheaper, ISRO only launched 2 rockets in 2021. :usflag:
  18. Type59

    Now Pakistan is ranked at 28th Place in Transparency corruption index.

    TI is BS. No way to measure corruption accurately. Ti ask certain "business people" and "experts" about their "perception" of corruption. You can see the flaw in that. Never took T.I seriously, even under PPP and PMLN rule.
  19. Type59

    Major Breakthrough: Pakistan and Tethyan Copper Company(TCC) have agreed over 50 per cent shares over Reko Diq

    People want 100 percent profits. Your getting 100 percent of nothing 😁
  20. Type59

    Over 72% want to see Narendra Modi as next PM

    Modi is a defanged snake, hisses and puffs body up, but no venomous bite.
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