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  1. Möbius Curve

    'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

    Caliphate will be formed by MOSSAD in Palestine which will result in destruction of all Palestine, juts like ISIS/Daesh Caliphate which ended in complete destruction of Syria & Iraq! Really? So which IsraHELLI Embassy you have visited? IsraHELL by Möbius Curve posted Mar 29, 2019 at 9:20 AM
  2. Möbius Curve

    Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

    Suppose a Gay commits sexual act with your child, then who you will call a barbarian? And if you male child becomes a Sissy, will you be happy to see that Cancer flourishing? So, which version of Islam you are following? Man on Man & Woman on Woman? Listen carefully! Vast swarms of...
  3. Möbius Curve

    Russian President Mr.Putin may be a time traveller :- (Express.co.uk)

    No matter what People's say, I have great respect & regard for Vladimir Putin. In fact, this is what Presidents ought to be! Perhaps a part of me being Russophile is due to profound impact of Communism on my family (Particularly my father) and the achievements associated with it. Those were the...
  4. Möbius Curve

    Alert ! After IAF, Indian Commandos Preparing For Assasult

    That's the funniest video I have seen! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  5. Möbius Curve

    World's longest salt cave discovered in Israel

    This is the site of Cursed Peoples destroyed by a dreadful punishment, and faculties of reason convince sane peoples to keep distance from those sites or locations. Secondly, IsraHELL is already processing Dead Sea ingredients and these are used in a wide-ranging products from Cosmetics to...
  6. Möbius Curve

    Glock: The Gun That Dominates Over All of the Competition?

    March 27, 2019 The Glock 17 outfits dozens of armies and hundreds of police forces worldwide. U.S. Army Rangers and Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command use the compact version, the Glock 19, and U.S. Special Forces—including the shadowy Delta Force—carry the .40 Smith &...
  7. Möbius Curve

    Chinese Small Arms: Pictures, Videos, and Descriptions

    I have seen Type-56 AK's in Pakistan, but haven't seen Type-81. But I did saw them with Bangladeshi military. It's an interesting rifle. Type-81 by Möbius Curve posted Mar 28, 2019 at 9:20 AM Type-81 AK. Type-81 by Möbius Curve posted Mar 28, 2019 at 9:20 AM Tajikistan Army Soldiers with Type 81...
  8. Möbius Curve


    Relax! This is democracy as someone rightly said above. And Pakistanis are no more the same they were before 2001. War on terror though ravaged Pakistan deeply, yet it has spread awareness among Pakistani folks now and forever. Last week, we received letter from Mohsin Dawar, Member NA...
  9. Möbius Curve

    Ministry of IT & Telecom GoPK Online Courses.

    This is very useful for Young members of the PDF as well. Their first obligation towards State, their Parents and towards themselves is Education as per Mr. Jinnah quote. I will urge them to learn these instead of wasting their precious time in useless pursuits, and with these Courses they can...
  10. Möbius Curve

    Pakistan Smart Grid !!!

    To my knowledge, back in 2011 a lot of graduates opted for Power engineering, and many were working on Smart Grids. Theoretical research is one thing, and solid implementation of theoretical work practically is another thing. Lets see.
  11. Möbius Curve

    Ministry of IT & Telecom GoPK Online Courses.

    Assalam O Alikum Dear All! When we talk about online courses, perhaps the most famous website is Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/). Get enrolled and courses are offered in duration of Weeks, while in some you will be offered certificates, in others you might not be. Recently, from Whats...
  12. Möbius Curve

    Russia Declares the Su-57 Fighter "The Best in the World"

    Napoleon did burned Moscow, but back then Russia had two Gods more severe: January & February. So what happened to Napoleon then? Just like Napoleon, Hitler marched triumphantly into the mainland Russia, but Stalingrad NOT Moscow became score settling point. Meanwhile Russians laid seize to...
  13. Möbius Curve

    The red tape and delay in procuring specialised firepower from the United States

    Like their IsraHELLI counterparts, Endian Army too can only target civilians and latter call them "encounter". The Dal Lake has changed color to Brown due to dumping of bodies by Endian Army! But their days are numbered: both IsraHELL and ENDIA!
  14. Möbius Curve

    I am Back after 7 Years

    Welcome back. Btw, where were you? Were you in a Jail or something?
  15. Möbius Curve

    Millions of Facebook passwords exposed internally

    I have strange experiences with Facebook. I would write a comment and when i reached in the middle SOMEBODY just deleted the entire comment, so i would then start again!!!! Happened this so many times! I knew that Facebook software on my Laptop was accessed remotely, and the Antivirus cannot...
  16. Möbius Curve

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Right now I just offered Jumma Prayers!
  17. Möbius Curve

    Two US soldiers killed in Afghanistan

    Two U.S Terrorists sent to Hell! Then get the hell out of Middle East too! And let us cure the Cancer of Middle East: IsraHELL!
  18. Möbius Curve

    'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

    IsraHELLI Occupied Golan Heights rightfully belong to Syria and Syrian Peoples! Israeli Occupied Golan Heights! by Möbius Curve posted Mar 22, 2019 at 11:37 AM
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