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  1. Möbius Curve

    Campaign launched to create gold crown for Messiah

    'As a symbol of our belief that this period of waiting has ended' Published: 12/08/2018 There already are plans being drawn up for the third Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Temple tools are being re-created. The animals that could be used in sacrifice are being bred. The altar re-creation is under...
  2. Möbius Curve

    Jihadists civil war results in huge losses for all parties in west Aleppo

    2019-01-01 BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The jihadist civil war taking place in western Aleppo is proving incredibly costly for the warring parties. According to local observers, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki have been clashing for several hours, today, resulting in the...
  3. Möbius Curve

    About cows and India.

    Because Hindus do Drink Cow Piss and Add it to their daily food. They Call it Gao Mutra (Piss of Cow ) and Arka (Extract of Cow Piss). In fact, they are so fanatical about cow urine that some Indians have claimed about making Coca Cola from Cow Piss and Cow Dung! Aghoris however, do eat Cow Dung...
  4. Möbius Curve

    USA and Israel out of UNESCO: Al-Aqsa must come down

    No Way! Though Yuds are in less number than the overall Muslim Population, they have a lot of running dogs to protect vital Zionist Interests! Bikay huay loog har jagaa hein. Tabhi to Puri Dunyaa ko nachaa rhay hein!
  5. Möbius Curve

    USA and Israel out of UNESCO: Al-Aqsa must come down

    Lol! I might be NEW here on this forum but I KNOW YOU very Well right from Ocean Tower 2, IsraHELLI Embassy Bangkok Thailand! Ocean Tower 2 by Möbius Curve posted Jan 2, 2019 at 10:33 AM
  6. Möbius Curve

    USA and Israel out of UNESCO: Al-Aqsa must come down

    During Iran-Iraq War, (1980-88), Jewish Rabbis were praying that a misguided missile from either side strike Al-Aqsa and destroy it. But that never happened. There are a series of Tunnels dug underneath Al Aqsa Mosque to collapse the mosque. Creation of Third Temple at the site of Al Aqsa...
  7. Möbius Curve

    Govt conditionally ‘allows’ Israeli citizens to visit Pakistan

    Looks like a deep conspiracy against Pakistan. Obviously, it was done deliberately. And this brings in question deep seated MOSSADI Mafia inside Pakistan. Keep in mind that IsraHELLIS did have visited Pakistan, but on British & American passports. By the way of Deception, thou shalt wage war!
  8. Möbius Curve

    Syrian Army begins amassing troops in northeast Latakia after Russian airstrikes

    2019-01-01. BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun amassing troops again in the northeastern countryside of the Latakia Governorate after the Russian Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes over the Jisr Al-Shughour countryside on Sunday evening. According to...
  9. Möbius Curve

    As the world warms up, it is nuclear power plants that hold hope for the future

    1 January, 2019 Shut down of nuclear power plants could lead to 4-6 per cent increase in carbon emissions from the power sector by 2035. In light of the recent stark warning from the United Nations that the world is on course to reach the limit of tolerable warming in a scant 21 years, nuclear...
  10. Möbius Curve

    China’s reform efforts an example to the world

    Updated: 2019/1/1 16:30:35 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in November 2013 examined a number of important issues regarding comprehensively deepening reform. The Communiqué adopted thereafter points out that the overall goal of...
  11. Möbius Curve

    Event Horizon: Nasa spacecraft makes history, flies past Ultima Thule 6.4 billion km from Earth

    I too believe in video proofs and I do not believe in Flat Earth! My earnest desire is to watch live videos of Jupiter! Real-time video of the actual fly-by was impossible, since it takes more than six hours for a signal sent from Earth to reach the spaceship, named New Horizons, and another...
  12. Möbius Curve

    Event Horizon: Nasa spacecraft makes history, flies past Ultima Thule 6.4 billion km from Earth

    Nasa spacecraft New Horizons in historic fly-by of the farthest, and quite possibly the oldest, cosmic body ever explored by humankind Ultima Thule is a cool mass roughly 32km long and shaped like a giant peanut The nerdiest New Year’s party in the solar system happened Tuesday 6.4 billion km...
  13. Möbius Curve

    Trump Gives US Troops Four Months to Leave Syria Amid Criticism – Report

    09:54 01.01.2019 Earlier, Trump went to Twitter to defend his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria, accusing his critics of hypocrisy. He noted that any other US president would have been applauded for such a decision. The New York Times has cited two unnamed US administration...
  14. Möbius Curve

    Pakistani Trans Community Just Celebrated The Country's First Trans Pride Parade

    Most of them were Males and after conversion from "Thailand" most probably let me guess, are now She-Males. You must know very well that a large Transsexual community is thriving underground in the cities of Pakistan, especially at Lahore. I have no objection about those who were born...
  15. Möbius Curve

    BD — on the path to authoritarianism

    January 1, 2019 HASINA Wajed’s Awami League wins with thumping majority, as Bangladesh Opposition termed election held on farcical and demanded reelection. Contentious parliamentary elections were held on Sunday in Bangladesh, seen as a referendum on what critics call Prime Minister Sheikh...
  16. Möbius Curve

    Pakistan stocks end 2018 on dull note

    JANUARY 1, 2019 Benchmark KSE100 Index traded in pressure for most past of the session on the last day of 2018 to close at 37,067 amidst heightened volatility, down100 points. An analyst at Trust Securities said the last day of the year remained dull and KSE-100 index again showed the same...
  17. Möbius Curve

    US military admits killing more civilians in Syria, Iraq

    Apart from killing civilians U.S apparently "accidentally" dropped weapons supplies for ISIS/Daesh in Syria many times. U.S bombed Syrian Government forces positions and publicly declared that it targeted ISIS/Daesh in Syria. In fact, ISIS/Daesh appeared from the ruins of Iraq right under the...
  18. Möbius Curve

    Which Book are you reading

    I studied this political satire two months ago, and enjoyed reading a lot. Though, its not necessarily a chronological detailed commentary of actual/real events before the death of Zia Ul Haq, but the way its created is quite brilliant & extraordinary. A Case Of Exploding Mangoes by Möbius...
  19. Möbius Curve

    Iran to rebuild Syria

    Rebuilding Syria should be the priority of the whole world. Now since the "great game in Syria" is finally collapsed and exposed fully to the whole world, a stronger Syria is the urgent need of time! Golan Heights needs to be freed from IsraHelli occupation and a Stronger Syria will be check...
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