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  1. S

    American tank going right through the crops in Romania

    US tank, driven by US soldiers, going right through the crops during a military exercise in Romania, on June 20, 2019 The damage is not so big. It can be of the order of hundreds of kg to a few tons of corn and wheat in total but this is representative for the american arrogance. The crew cut...
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    EEZ is International Waters except the territorial waters but a foreign or domestic ship is not allowed to take anything from there without approval. The fishers might be poor but if the coast guard does not act like this the fishing boats fill the EEZ and take all turbot (an expensive flat...
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    New attack (May 20, 2019) The Turkish boat Baba Senol sank in the Romanian EEZ after fighting against 3 coast guard boats and a plane. Three sailors are wounded. See...
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    The fishers did not stop when they were warned to do so. There was no other method to stop them except firing upon them. Honestly, the coast guard just wanted to scare the poachers because if they really wanted to disable the fisher's boat they were able to do so. Anyway, this was the third time...
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    The Turkish boat was 65 miles off the coast, inside the EEZ of Romania. Here is a video containing images filmed by the coast guard. Finally the fishers were helped by a big blue cargo vessel named NAZLIM (Istanbul). What I liked most is the determinations and courage of the fishers. There is a...
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    Indian Air Force - A National Embarrassment

    So, how many planes have India shot down according to their claims and the same question for the number of Indian planes shot down by Pakistan.
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    Turkish embassy in Romania should have complained if the coast guard acted illegally against the fishers. They said nothing also the incident happened nearly a week ago.
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    Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

    "The incident took place approximately 50 miles off the Romanian coast" If they were 50 miles from the Romanian coast then the Turkish fishermen and their boat were in the Romanian Economic Exclusive Zone (likely fishing turbot, an expensive flat fish). The fish, oil, gas and other resources...
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    'Shame on you, Sky News!' Romania threatens reporter over 'staged' terror report

    The facts are like this: Stuart Ramsay (Sky News chief correspondent) contacted Szanto Aurelian Mihai, a man who speaks both English and Romanian and is a Romanian citizen. Ramsay told Szanto to find a few people in Romania that for around 2000 Euro in total accept to masquerade as arms...
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    Chandrayaan sends images of Apollo 15 landing

    "The images captured by hyper spectral camera fitted as a part of Chandrayaan-1 image payload has reconfirmed the veracity of Apollo 15 mission," said Dr Prakash Chauhan, Where are those pictures taken by Chandrayaan that show the Apollo 15 landing site and the tracks left behind by its moon rover?
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    Two brothers from Dayton taught the world to fly

    "No picture of the machine has as yet been taken.", The Dayton Journal, Ohio, December 24, 1903. From the article fully quoted below it is clear that the well known picture allegedly taken on Dec. 17, 1903 (and published for the first time in Sep. 1908) was made at a later date. 1903-12-24...
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    Two brothers from Dayton taught the world to fly

    One thing is 100% sure, the Wright Brothers contributed nothing to the progress of powered flight because no pictures or technical drawing of their alleged 1903-1905 planes was published before 1908. The two american inventors appeared with their flying machine in 1908, in a moment when in...
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    Two brothers from Dayton taught the world to fly

    Search on the net the topic: The Wright brothers just glided in 1903. They flew in 1908. on pprune or pilotsofamerica and read the discusions from there. The interest in the subject is not so great on defence pk so I will not restart here a discussion that advanced considerably on the two forums...
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    Remembering the Wright Brothers: Bangalore pilots pay tributes to the Brigh

    There are many technical problems with Flyer I 1903. The plane was unstable, underpowered and had propellers that appeared only in 1908, exactly in the same year when the Wright brothers flew for the first time in front of credible witnesses, more than 8 months after Orville Wright saw Henri...
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    Two brothers from Dayton taught the world to fly

    There are many technical problems with Flyer I 1903. The plane was unstable, underpowered and had propellers that appeared only in 1908, exactly in the same year when the Wright brothers flew for the first time in front of credible witnesses. The brothers simply lied about their flights in...
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    SA-2 Dvina anti-aircraft missile propellant and total mass for each stage?

    SA-2, S-75 Dvina antiaircraft missile propellant and total mass for each stage? I want to calculate using "OpenRocket" the maximum altitude an SA-2 can reach in pure vertical flight. I am looking for an as detailed as possible presentation of this missile, especially for the parameters I...
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