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  1. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Writer of NYT piece about Pakistan india engagment now being abused online..and she is surprised !

    We used brain , Indian forces can wait for further surprises in case of territorial violation. Your courage was to drop payload on the trees while on Evade mode.Your courage to sneak in middle of Night. Our courage attack in the day light, Lock Down your military installations but drop bombs at...
  2. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    Explain your OLD is Gold Theory to your PM, so the least save some bucks for Toilet development program nation wide. As Moodi was Dreadful to prove importance of RAFALE Deal He urged his wish-fullness in a sheer grim manner If we had Rafale , The result would be different ( Different means...
  3. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    India signs deal with Russian firm for 750,000 units of AK–203

    On the Contrary, India Buying it for Extended use not only for their military. They can pass on the non state actors ( Groups ,Vigilantes, RSS) then play the blame game on Pakistan. If they start production in their own country. Then Foreign involvement Arms impact dies. Also Buying imported...
  4. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Guys ! We are not aware of 2 features of JF-17

    What About Block III
  5. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    Good one, One think tickled my mind yesterday when new name Wing Commander Nauman Ali Khan. In the beginning our media houses just showed one 1 Pilot Hassan Siddiqui. Why we didnt hear Su-30MKI killer earlier?
  6. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Narendra Modi indicates more action to follow air strike in Pakistan

    Wishful Thinking, Idiocy will lead India to further imbroglio. Global Watch dogs won't bat an eye next time. If you remember Story of Shepherd who falsify slogan of Lion in the Jungle. & the time Lion arrived for REAL, nobody came to rescue him. Pakistan is victorious morally and...
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