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  1. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

    General Zia ul Haq, Hameed Gul, Brigadier Sultan Amir Those people are gone. Remember Pappu case happend in Zia Era. He set example of that monster. When you have guys like Musharaf in power. That was first wave of western agenda Now we are looking at aftershocks.
  2. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

    That's where we are headin “Look but don’t touch; touch but don’t taste; taste but don’t swallow.”
  3. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

    Janab This is ""FITNA" Devil find its way from one way to another - 1. He should have never killed his teacher in any circumstance. 2. Regarding Party and morality. These incidents can't stop these things to grow. Devil Work is pretty creepy One way , He whispered in ears of Teacher. Lets Party...
  4. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Muslim HIJAB Harassment experiment in New York City

    You guys don't even know difference between Burka fully covered one and Hijab ( veil ) & your are just trying to prove your point in general. Both (burkab veil) procedure is fine. & Islamic.
  5. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Muslim HIJAB Harassment experiment in New York City

    Known fact by Who? Stop Talking non sense. Quran and Hadith define the procedure of veil for women. Every Tom Dick and harry comes up and try to fabricate Islamic standards Just because their women do not do veil hence they come up with their version to make them-self comfortable. You don't...
  6. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Muslim HIJAB Harassment experiment in New York City

    You are Idiot of first degree, The female woman she quoted references from Jew books then trying to mold. From that logic , you meant it started from Jews , burka has nothing to do with Islam. In your response i stated by your logic then halal is also from them. Final thoughts , Hijab is not...
  7. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Muslim HIJAB Harassment experiment in New York City

    Then Eating Haraam Food / Halaal Food also could be no in Islam as per your logic. If you do not have knowledge about Islam then there is no need to give your version . Muslim follow Quran and Sunnah. Surah An-Nur 24:31 And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard...
  8. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    I think About Big Guys , there is misconception. Their trails are tougher than you think but not visible publicly , DG ISPR stated few days back Those guys accountability is by Army Courts.
  9. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    By then you will be As same as Mailk Riaz is May be worse, Remember wealth reduces compassion. The optics to see through it has very weird view of social circus. One drunk politician who was beating the crap out of a student on bike. He said , "Kahan se aa jatay hain keeray makoray" First his...
  10. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    If their Pa Bhai i take your statement , consider me "Awaam" In the end Awaam is to be blamed or punished for everything. Na Zardari paying back money , neither Sharif so no good news , i think they should shift this money to Dam fund.
  11. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    Oh Bhai Thand Rakh Shuker kero woh kuch pay to ker rahay hain The question is Either this payment will given to SIND GOV?
  12. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    The Good news is at least he is paying something. unlike those politicians , Slogan of bring back swiss accounts money.
  13. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    When Malik very first project began, there were some golden coins from ex-military officials & Stake holders within in. It all started dirty. What Platform you are talking about. The formula applied on current Bahria case , is same old school the first project he started. I remember many army...
  14. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    SC accepts Bahria Town Karachi's offer for Rs460bn

    Mubarak ho Milk Riaz Justice System "Tuwada Allah hi Hafiz Ey"
  15. JF-17ThunderBlock3


    Anxiety is real. In my opinion , those darks thoughts harbour in ones head when our Imaan is weak. The person who says 5 times Prayers & recites Quran on daily basis, Have Sabr and Taqwaa. These issues are healed by the course of time. As humans when we try to find reason of everything that...
  16. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Beauty JF 90 Degrees.
  17. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    FM Qureshi criticises India's condemnation of NZ terror attack

    Its not Black & White from where it began. You have no idea LET , JEM and other non state actors were Banned in Pakistan. According to constitution , their trails were run down internally. & It was court's decision to free their leaders. however their movements were observed over the years not...
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