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  1. C

    Iraq orders China's CH-5, citing 95% mission hit accurcy of CH-4, better than US UAVs

    Satellite needed for longer range usage though so that strikes can be conducted alongside the Syrian border, and possibly in Syria where isis is.
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    Iraq orders China's CH-5, citing 95% mission hit accurcy of CH-4, better than US UAVs

    Bought 36, 14 delivered so far, one crashed in Arizona during a night training mission. Delivery got delayed in 2014 when Balad air base was endangered by isis.
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    Iraq orders China's CH-5, citing 95% mission hit accurcy of CH-4, better than US UAVs

    That's great. New CH-4 strike, though that required an F-16 to drop a GBU-10. Selling the CH-4 to iraq resulted in many more customers for china given that it proved itself in battle (from the many vid releases), when CH-5 proves itself that'll benefit China again as well.
  4. C

    Is the tide turning against Iraq’s Nuri al-Maliki?

    Nazi al shit is against the army, one of those old school people trying to defend her non-existing 'honor/karama/nishama' in front of other Arabs when they mention the ''glorious" saddam. she should be put in prison with her boyfriend maliki who she's so obsessed about. Southern iraq protests...
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    Is the tide turning against Iraq’s Nuri al-Maliki?

    She supported and worked for the 'iraqi spring media channel' which is isis in disguise of local revolutionary tribesmen. Just another brainless person crying about the failure of their objectives, they've burnt themselves to the ground in the process (welcoming isis that is). But all that is...
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    Saudi Arabia’s dream of becoming the dominant Arab and Muslim power in the world has gone down

    These groups aren't expansions of iran, whether with or without iran they are there.
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    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    Hezbollah al nujaba forced American forces to leave Makhoul mountains north of Baiji, Nujaba remains the most 'out of line' PMU group alongside Saraya al-Khorasani although they're not that big.
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    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    There's been some good progress. Also northern night assault by SF caught isis by surprise, despite their strong resistance and over 1000 car bombs by now in Mosul they're collapsing steadily. Federal police seized a neighborhood in the south of Mosul. army raised flag at a bridge on the Tigris...
  9. C

    Erdogan offers citizenship to Syrian and Iraqi refugees

    The highly educated refugees don't cause problems and don't end up on welfare, i know this from personal (family) experience and many others that came to Europe. As for what Europe wants and not wants, don't care much. They took part in the iraq war and attempt to topple the Syrian gov, that's...
  10. C

    Erdogan offers citizenship to Syrian and Iraqi refugees

    that's actually a loss for iraq and syria considering this is for uni graduates with skills, not sure why you complain about gaining human resources that are useful, but good for those people who seek that path although most of those refugees in Turkey are trying to get to US/EU.
  11. C

    Nine members of Kurdish forces detained over alleged smuggling to ISIS

    from the kurdish source itself. Not the first time either. They do all this to inflict more damage to the iraqi forces who will attack Hawija after Mosul OP. NRT SULAIMANI — Nine officers and members of Peshmerga forces were detained over the suspected smuggling of food and automobile parts to...
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    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    First large night assault OP in Mosul by CTS/isof turned successful. Iraqi troops entered Mosul from the north for the first time on Friday, part of a new phase in the battle for the city that also saw elite forces bridge a river under cover of darkness in an unprecedented night raid. reuters
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    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    But we're called savages by the same people here if our army slaps them softly
  14. C

    ISIS ‘executes’ Iraqi man by drowning him in ‘dettol’

    isis accomplished unifying iraqs sunnis and shias more than ever since the 2003 war. As long as Saudi and Qatar keep exporting this ideology and have Sefa and Wesal TV running there will always be gullible recruits.
  15. C

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    why so many fights here, people makin it personal
  16. C

    Jews and Arabs dance together at Bahrain Chanukah party

    insignificant contribution on Saudi behalf compared to a state of similar size (iraq), population wise. Both don't border israel The Gulf states experienced this phase of American influence after the 1991 gulf war, the US ended up with massive bases in nearly every GCC country. A reason why...
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    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    i'm aware of that but i hope the KDP loses, insallah!
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    Jews and Arabs dance together at Bahrain Chanukah party

    Gulf Arabs love israel, none of them contributed significantly to the wars against them.
  19. C

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Although KRG is a regional gov, in reality there's Barzanistan and PUK. One side worships the Barzani family, the other side some other faction. But who knows what'll happen, recent artcle from al monitor, can't post link. Is Iraqi Kurdistan heading toward civil war?
  20. C

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Yes but KDP is in a tight spot surrounded by YPG and PUK, we need PUK and YPG to win against them.
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