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  1. T

    India rolls out its First CNG based Rail Locomotive - Indian Railways Going Green!

    good job will cut costs furthur We are importing more than 50% of the natural gas requirements presently + to fully exploit the KG basin gas. Motabhai wants to double triple the gas price from 4.2$ to 9-10$ and even take it to 14-16$ so just imagine increase mileage by 100% from diesel...
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    Is ZERO even??

    @levina maybe they had calculators modern than those we have 1200-Year-Old 'Tablet Computer' Found in Ancient Shipwreck
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    3rd drone attack in 36 hours

    idgee from Unkill Sham with blessings of Allah Army and Unkill SHam Amreka
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    Indian firing on line of control

    The yevil Yindoo has transformed from a baniya to a kshatriya and an enraged brahmana BEWARE
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    Should Russia worry about Modi's U.S. visit?

    bhai russia should not worry about US visit but rather focus on definite outcomes achieveable during putins india visit
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    Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows

    most pakistanis who gloat over this survey should note that atleast it is a human fidelity there was some suvery where a nation was ranked in top 3 in beastiality so the pakistanis should be more worried about that
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    Pakistan Rangers refuse BSF's Eid sweetmeats at Wagah

    good move ti hope from nnow on this nonsense stops forever and hope that duffer BSF DG dosent go ahead with his idea of protesting this refusal
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    IAF Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly

    If i would be in decision making position i would spin HAL off into UAV production division Helicopter division Military aircraft division' Transport Air craft division Contract Business Division (catering to upgrades / contract build su30 etc) commitments how ? just to give an eg IAF...
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    Women should not wear jeans,Women in jeans against Indian culture claims Indian singer K.J. Yesudas

    let someone issue a fatwa first nobody has till now issued a fatwa to kill him
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    No exchange of sweets between India and Pakistan at Wagah on Eid

    good move till you stop ceasefire violaions and terrorism no more SHOWBIZ of peace and exchange of sweets
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    US investors bet on PM Modi, pledge to invest $41 billion in India in 3 years

    FDI is all about the investor getting rate of return and ease of repatriation we dont offer any investor 27% rates of return on projects (like Pakistan offers to china as per other thread on this forum) so they reduced the amount also the FDI from US is not that the govt is parking or...
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    we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

    a sneak peek in the future Subbu Swamy can be the future CM candidate from BJP for TN beat that
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    Two prime ministers, two different receptions

    oh bhai he did not time his US visit with MOM gamble he timed it to United nations General Assembly session
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    Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows

    that is your interpretation infidelity is only recognised After a relationship is FORMALISED
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    Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows

    because there are lot of people here who are talking about infidelity even when they are not married / engaged if a person is dating a girl / or in relationship who have still not formalised the relationship (engagement/marriage) then the girl/boy plays around they call it infidelity now why...
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    IAF Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly

    see HAL is not a failing co neither a burdened one the delays of desing are attributed to ADA not HAL 40 units not viable - good then why IAF / GOI gave 40 units MK1 orders to HAL - they have setup a line for it ? if they have invested for a 40 unit line (without profitability...
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    we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

    Guys there are lot of indians out here on this forum who try to act balanced secular and modern and earn priases from pakistanis though that is not a problem the problem is they dont call spade a spade they should form a new party JeSI JAMAAT-E-SICKULARS INDIA
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    Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows

    where have i advocated or supported freedom to betray ?
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    Modi in Australia

    more coal & port prijects in Australia pairing of a coal / mining city with a couple of same mining cities in ndia - in jahrkhand / bihar / orissa try for more and cheaper gas exports from australia Naval ties strengthening
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    we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

    + he was the person who made RIL AMbani bring back black money from overseas and pay fines
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