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  1. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    India as a great power: Know your own strength

    At the end of the day what matters is the amount of as$ kicking made available to the opponent. Not the source of the hardware.
  2. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanjay Dutt Breaks Down

    He is son and brother of a congress MP.
  3. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanjay Dutt Breaks Down

    The main point is that pardoning him will set a very wrong precedence.
  4. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanjay Dutt Breaks Down

    WTF is gutteral? Something related to throat?
  5. Maj. Kuldeep Singh


    No wonder. RAND corporation. How come you are so sure of your capability?
  6. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Miss India 2013

    @Leader I get your taste. You might not find these ugly. h_t_t_p_:_//sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/taliban.JPG.jpeg
  7. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Drunk Saudi Embassy staff kills Iranian driver, injures 1 in Tehran

    How come a gazzeted representative of Al arabia be involved in such unislmaic acts?
  8. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    India is financing terrorist activities in Pakistan, accuses Musharraf

    Dont you know the answer already?? The proof exists!! It will be given at an appropriate time.
  9. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Shaheed Diwas: Have we done justice to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev? -

    Our heads bow down to the great sacrifices of our Martyers without whome our dignity and independence would not have existed. Edit:- Who gives a damn fcuk what terrorists of a terrorist state think about them.
  10. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Tornado attacked , 8 died and about 300 injured

    Sad news. Was it pre declared by Met department?
  11. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Indian navy's project 15B is now Bengaluru class destroyers???

    Whn could I expect a Jaunpur class destroyer hain ji?/ :cry:
  12. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    Webmaster will have to fire few mods tonite. Seems some pervert TTs are also secretly browsing the contents. :D
  13. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    Mods are also enjoying the show lol
  14. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    So your surname gandhi? and middlename Karamchand?
  15. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    Some ones really pissed off... NSFW man strictly NSFW.
  16. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    Probably wondering if paastan == India, then how come paksitan let go Raymond Davis and India has balls to take the matter to its logical conclusion.
  17. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Italy to send marines back to India

    What makes you think they wont return. In fact they are already on the way.
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