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  1. B

    Attempted IAF incursion - A Failed operation

    All those who say India only entered few seconds or few mins will know the truth if Pak gives a response. Response = serious Indian incursion happened ( half of pk.defence who disagree about strikes will have to agree, no need for response for trees.) There is no need of Pakistan to response...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    DG ISPR - Nothing happened, they crossed loc and we made then run back. DG ISPR - only trees killed. (as per Pic) This means no response needed. Any response will be Disproportionate. As we did not do anything. only violation of loc, which happens often. So all the defence.pk member who...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">First confirmation from Pakistan of Strike by Indian Air Force. BBC Urdu video from Jaba Post, Balakot, KPK where a local says that there were 5 big blasts after 3am at night followed by Jets leaving within 10 minutes. Many...
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    India to Construct 108 Missile-Proof Hangars Along China Border

    A Rafale costs about 750 cr. They should at least put it in a 150 cr bunker which will last for at least 50 years or more. India should create 30 bunkers every year for its fighter jets. In 10 years will have 300 bunkers. But they should survive a 2000 pound explosive or more. Today precision...
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    Advanced JF-17 versions coming, 10 years after service entry

    I had put the figure for 40 FC-31 at 8 bilion dolllars for buying aircraft, spares, maintenance equipment , ammunition, the advance A2A missiles and training pilot and maintenance personnel. Question is the 8 billion dollar way off. Will it be cheaper for pakistan. heck 36 rafale is costing...
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    Pakistan interested in buying 30-40 J-31s

    A fifth gen aircraft even if made by china will not cost less than 75 to 100 million dollars. Till they get a economy of scale. Maybe even after that it might cost that much. A 1000 FC31 highly unlikely as per current scenario. So much time between protype nor is there any hurry to get it...
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    Guided Pinaka MK2 Tested.

    Any idea, what is the CEP of a Guided pinaka II. With Fire finder radars and pinaka II can be formidable artillery weapon. The better CEP the more havoc it will create in the enemy artillery. But I guess first deployment will take 3 - 5 years. 10 regiments of Pinaka II with 180 launchers will...
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