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  1. S

    dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

    Exactly, oversease pakistanis dont feel sorry anymore. Stop feeding the cancer with food. Corrupt courts, corrupt media, corrupt army, corrupt mafia family zardari sharif. Stop sending your hard earn money to those criminals
  2. S

    dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

    Haha you had someone to change your country and you let some drunk uncle sharrif steal it from you No they are weak people. They like being subservient followers
  3. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Pakistanis are used to being colonized and like it? Haha wtf. Grow some balls and have some self respect. This is what im talking about people. Like little children
  4. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Actually joe biden single handedly pimp slapped pakistan. And the pakistani people sat there and watched like good little colonized children
  5. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Yea your missing the point buddy Cool. If I give you a greencard and a couple dollars you will change your tune real quick like Bajwa Oh the inevitable “you’re an indian!” When they dont have a response. Meanwhile india and bangladesh are advancing and pakistanis are out there watching zardari...
  6. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Thats great you can hold your sentimental value.. that wont get your results. Not sure where you are getting this inferiority complex stuff from. This is all the harsh truth which many pakistanis refuse to see. Its a sinking ship and no one to blame except for the greed of a select few and the...
  7. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Perplexed by how a country full of a relatively intellgient race can screw things up so badly. Its on its last leg, these past events in pakistan show you how easy it is to manipulate and control that country. Joined the forum because i was in disbelief and embarrassed for the pakistani people...
  8. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    It is a failed state. Thank god my parents left the country 50 years ago. You can be proud of your failed state. Literally every Pakistani youth is trying to escape the country. What are you proud of? If you are so proud stay in pakistan and build it up. Everyone know its the land of no...
  9. S

    Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

    Its better for oversease pakistanis to just avoid telling people or deny being pakistani. When you tell people you are pakistani you get labelled negatively. No reason trying to defend. Your prents motherland. Its a lost cause. There was some pride when imran khan was PM. Now its back to some...
  10. S

    Psycho Profile of Shabaz Sharif

    If the people of pakistan allow SS to be thier leader then let them suffer his wrath. If they want to sell their pride and dignity for a couple dollars let them. Im pretty sure the overseas dispora has lost hope in the country. Every generation overseas will support that country less and less...
  11. S

    Foreign Policy if PTI wins again.

    i have realized that pakistani people (those born in pakistan or the fobs that came to america) are a very docile breed. Not sure if the estrogen levels are high there or what. They can be tricked and tamed with little effort. I am an american born pakistani and it is embarrassing being lumped...
  12. S

    Shahbaz Sharif to visit Shangla

    Pakistani allowed him to come power now enjoy the show/circus
  13. S

    Pashtuns are jews ... A documentary...lost tribes of Israel.

    What is up with pakistanis trying to be some other race. First its arab then its persian then turkish, then greek. Jeez what is wrong with you all.
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