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  1. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    http://uk.businessinsider.com/saudi-arabia-iran-yemen-military-proxy-war-2017-12?r=US&IR=T In an amusing way, I see the Iran-Saudi Proxy conflict as the Rebels V The Empire in Star Wars https://thediplomat.com/2017/12/china-iran-to-deepen-military-ties/ Feel like China is a more reliable...
  2. N_Al40

    Iranian Army Defence Budget for 2018-2019 is just 2.2 billion $

    Sorry but I call BS on the figures. I agree with @AmirPatriot, we should wait for the FINAL budget. Also, it seems utterly stupid to reduce Iran's defense budget to $2.2 billion, when it was $10.3 billion in 2015. Read this before bashing Rouhani for political purposes...
  3. N_Al40

    Iranian Army Defence Budget for 2018-2019 is just 2.2 billion $

    Zarif recently said that our budget is $16 billlion?
  4. N_Al40

    Iranian naval forces unveils new missile-launching warship

    They've supposedly resolved all their disputes now. Read up on their latest meeting of Caspian Sea States.
  5. N_Al40

    Iranian Space program

    Definitely agree that it needs to be kept guarded from foreign infiltration! As for the military dimensions that you mentioned; I appreciate your point, but that wasn't what I was getting at. Of course engineers who worked on Iran's BM's are going to be needed for the space program, because BM...
  6. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Agree 110%
  7. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I’ve heard of the saying; I’m half Persian and speak it with intermediate proficiency but understand it fully. I agree that they should be put on trial, one that is free and fair, and we should await the verdict.
  8. N_Al40

    Iranian Space program

    I think the Iranian Space Program should be given its own ministry for the following reasons: - First, having it under the MOD gives the impression to the West that it has a military-related aspect to it (ICBM), which Iran denies. Iran's denial is supported by physicists and rocket engineers...
  9. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Love how they stamped it with “Made in Iran” [emoji23]
  10. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Interesting take. Love the idea of a stationary version!
  11. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

  12. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    So this has been on mind ever since the Sayyad-3 was unveiled. As you can see below the Sayyad-3 launcher, the high altitude component of the Talash System, is always equipped with only two launch canisters. In comparison, the Sayyad-2 launcher, the medium altitude component of the Talash...
  13. N_Al40

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    IRGC Land forces looking more professional by the day! Iran border patrol force. Light protection and sub-standard weaponry are unfortunately evident.
  14. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Do you have a link to this by any chance?
  15. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Highly recommended read on the much renowned all-American 'Saudi Air Defence': https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...east/saudi-missile-defense.html?smid=tw-share
  16. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    What?! I thought they already have the PAC-3! Even then, a good read considering their PAC-2 has been modernized and upgraded, and this is its effectiveness against a mere Scud-C BM.
  17. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    @raptor22 @AmirPatriot @VEVAK You are all overstating the effectiveness of Saudi Air Defences. Be realistic and read this article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/04/world/middleeast/saudi-missile-defense.html?smid=tw-share Saudi Air Defence my a**
  18. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I have the link of his body being carried by Houthi rebels, Qaddafi style. But posting it is against community guidelines
  19. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

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