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  1. F

    Taiwan’s Ex-President: Regards China-Taiwan war: “First war is the same as the final war”

    Just want to give a little update on this. Ex-President Ma Ying-Jeou's speech was absolutely savaged in Taiwan in the last two days. The public opinion in Taiwan was completely against what Ma was trying to say. I am very surprised that the public opinion in Taiwan had coalesced to the point...
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    Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

    Every country in the world called the Covid-19 virus as the name of the virus. No country accuses China of directly causing 17 million sicknesses and 7 hundred thousand deaths. (Yes, I know Trump did, but it is not official USA position). Except in Taiwan, the official name of the disease is...
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    Taiwan’s Ex-President: Regards China-Taiwan war: “First war is the same as the final war”

    This is on the news in Taiwan today. https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200810003837-260407?ctrack=pc_main_hot_p01&chdtv It is in traditional Chinese. I will provide a brief translation. The ex-President of Taiwan is called Ma Ying-Jeou. He is pro-unification and is a member of KMT...
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    Taiwan forbid Chinese students in Taiwan to come back to Taiwan to finish their degree

    This is big news in Taiwan right now because Taiwanese government is targeting Chinese students by the excuse of epidemic situation in China. We all know the epidemic is basically over in China. Taiwanese government is basically targeting Chinese nationals using the most degrading excuses they...
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    Taiwan forbid Chinese students in Taiwan to come back to Taiwan to finish their degree

    I am a Taiwanese who is strongly pro-unification. I think it is important to tell people the circumstance in Taiwan right now. If you have questions about Taiwan, regardless of your viewpoint (unless you want to kill off all mainland Chinese or kill off all Taiwanese), I would be happy to...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    More story on what Taiwan is doing to attack China (either by themselves or with others) US Health secretary visits Taiwan https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20200807000714-260109?chdtv It is in traditional Chinese. It states that Health secretary of USA is going to visit Taiwan next week...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    I agree. I think within 20 years, the world will become a Chinese century. In addition, Chinese century would last for many centuries after that. I makes me angry that why won't most of Taiwanese want to be part of that.
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    I looked into Taiwan's nuclear program. It was in 1987 when the program was discovered by USA. There was a CIA mole (a Taiwanese colonel) in Taiwan who were involved in the program. USA put a stop to it. By the time USA stopped it, Taiwanese scientists had already produced controlled nuclear...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    Not quite sure what do you mean? I have a feeling you are confused about the situation between Taiwan and China. The official name of Taiwan is "Republic of China". It was the first Chinese government in modern China. Republic of China allied with USA and fought against Japan during WW2. After...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    No, I don't want Taiwan Independence. But I am in the minority. (Majority of Taiwanese want status quo). Taiwan's constitution is a Chinese constitution. It's territory contain all of China. Thus, the final step of Taiwan Independence is to change the Taiwanese constitution. Taiwan's...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    None of my Taiwan Independence relatives have any interesting in actual fighting. But the path to Taiwan Independence is gathering steam. None of my relatives believe the path to TI will go though war.
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The process of incremental Taiwan Independence had already started. https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20200723000585-260118?chdtv It is in Traditional Chinese, let me translate the main points. On...
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    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    I don’t think people understand how Taiwanese think. I will be happy to reply if anyone has any questions. First a little about myself, I am originally from Taiwan. Most of my relatives are hardcore for Taiwan Independence (I will call them TIers). I also have friends who are mainlanders. Here...
  14. F

    Goldman Sachs: Dollar’s in question + Bank of China: Chinese Banks shall drop SWIFT

    I don't think mainstream economists are thinking about whether Yuan can be the global reserve currency. But there is real risk that USD could depreciate by 20-25% in the next two years. If you have billions of USD and you are rather certain that your holding will go down by 20% in the next two...
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    Goldman Sachs: Dollar’s in question + Bank of China: Chinese Banks shall drop SWIFT

    I opened a thread asking whether it is possible for China to be the global reserve currency. Many smart people here had convinced me that it is not possible, at least in the short term. But with the USA just printing money like there is no tomorrow combined with Trump’s utter failure in...
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    China’s Digital Yuan Gets First Big Test Via Tech Giant Didi

    Very exciting news. I believe the number 1 priority for China to do digital currency is to wipe out corruption. But it is also possible that this could be the start of de-dollarization in China (and then maybe the world). Sometimes, all one need is a spark. Maybe this is the spark...
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    54 scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties, mostly from China

    It was tongue in cheek. Those researchers were doing medical research on saving life. Now they got dragged into this though McCarthyism.
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    54 scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties, mostly from China

    Oh my god, China wants to give more money to those scientists so they can conduct their research to cure cancers, diabetes, etc. How dare China?
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    Britain may take 3+ Million Hongkonger

    Boris Johnson just published a op-ed in South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. In it, he is talking about possible ways to give 3M Hongkongers plus their family to become British citizen. He also seems to really want to have a good working relationship with China even with this. I think this...
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    China halts purchases of US soybeans, pork: report

    Trump's retaliation over Hong Kong had been all bark and little bite (Considering that Hong Kong stock market went up 3% and China stock market went up 1.5% today). Now, it looks like it is China who is doing whipping right now. ------...
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