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    India, China & the Indian ocean

    Tell that to the chinese, they cannot digest your bitter reality. thats why US presence in china's neighbourhood causes them to cry out loud. we don't have any problem with US presence in the IOR.

    Govt hands over pictures supporting charges against Pak's PNS Babur

    And is your comment valid??? does Bharat always bash pakistan? before making such comments about India i urge you to get out of your anti-india mentality and get a reality check. on page 3 of this forum there is a thread which says INDIA LAUDS PAK ARMY FOR RESCUE OPERATION IN SIACHEN started by...

    India beefs up China front with UAVs, copters to monitor PLA

    why? your ccp didn't tell you that? too bad that you came to know about it from pdf. see what all your govt. hides from you and you always blame india for everything. lol on a serious note, do you have any understanding of strategic and military affairs? before making such comments about the...

    India beefs up China front with UAVs, copters to monitor PLA

    pak sher, i suppose you know that that china has stationed missiles in tibet that could target India. china also has five fully operational airbases and other infrastructure built in that area. if china is not upto any mischief then why has china deployed those military assets in tibet which can...

    Chinese troops in ?

    I don't agree with you that India is a soft state. If you mean that the current Indian leaders are soft then you may be right to some extent. The leaders of a country have a very important role in shaping the country. If they are soft then even a superpower will appear weak. As far as the...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    True, but it is necessary to counter some and that is what i am doing. As for what you have stated, i know all that and i do agree with you. I know that we don't need to take human help, but only material help because of our huge army and i also know about the possible duration and consequences...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    Thank you for the information. I already know about those deals as well as the fact that we may have to fight on all four borders. I am not saying that we will definately need help from US or Russia as i know that we are strong enough to defend our country. what i am saying is that incase the...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    yes the us will jump in IF NECESSARY :agree:. and you will have to read my post properly to understand why. you can go into the denial mode but that will be like living in a fool's paradise. whatever i have stated is in line with the realities which i have known from the internet and TV. It is...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I love to read your posts as they are very entertaining. you come up with nice comedy. Thank you very much for entertaining me here on defence.pk. Anyways, on a serious note are you aware of US military capabilities? i doubt so. you are ignoring the fact that US has...
  10. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    The answer to your question is in the post above.
  11. AGHORI

    Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

    Terrorism has no religion. if the malegaon blasts have been conducted by "Hindu terrorists" then strong action should be taken against them. No one should be falsely implicated whether a muslim, hindu or a person of any religion. But unfortunately such mistakes occur for various reasons. These...
  12. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    Alas, we are doomed :lol:
  13. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    No point in telling them all this. Time will tell the outcome. Let's wait and watch.
  14. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    Agree with you :agree:
  15. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    Hello applesauce, nice reply. But harsh language. Anyways, I would like to point out certain facts about wars. I am sure you would agree with me that there are reasons/factors for winning or losing a war. A win may be attributed factors such as good military strategy, adequately equipped...
  16. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    True, a lot has changed since then but the change is positive in terms of Indian military strength. I mean it has increased. though there are some shortcomings but the Indian military is working towards overcoming them. At the moment we do have credible deterrence.
  17. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    Those who are bitten by the anti-India bug resort to such behaviour. you will find many on this forum with this problem.
  18. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    No tallboy he is right. These type of actions will put pressure on our politicians to strengthen our military at a faster pace. so that we can be better prepared to defend our country and also inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy in case of a war.:D
  19. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    where did you learn this? In your madrassa? The syllabus of the history textbook provided by your madrassa needs to be updated in accordance with the facts rather than continuing with imaginary stories.
  20. AGHORI

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    Then why did you chinese retreat during the 1967 chola incident? was it because we were better equipped this time unlike in 1962? If you china were so strong then you should have kicked our assssss badly again. Try to take arunachal pradesh by kicking our assssss badly again, what is stopping...
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