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    Did Brahmos fail its latest test ?

    He is suffering from CSA. poor guy!!

    Did Brahmos fail its latest test ?

    I THINK I GOT IT!!!! (but only a part of it :cry:) CHRONIC SELECTIVE AMNESIA (CSA): Frequent tendency of forgetting those things that you have selected to forget with a high probability of not remembering it even when you try hard, unless someone reminds you and also provides you with some...

    ‘Indo-Pak trade can touch $50 billion'

    India does not sponsor terrorists in Pakistan

    ‘Indo-Pak trade can touch $50 billion'

    @Alphaomega, India is not sponsoring terrorists in balochistan. on topic, trade between India and Pakistan will be mutually beneficial and may also improve relations.

    India concedes pole position to China in arms race

    hmmm....when confronted by truth you come up with bs. we don't have to cry. you people cry after drone attacks.

    India concedes pole position to China in arms race

    there are terrorist factories in your country, osama was given a safe haven by your military, terrorists are being exported to India, Afghanistan, Chechnya and other regions from your country and Indian government becomes an evil regime according to you. I find that ridiculous.

    India concedes pole position to China in arms race

    saying "shame on you" is a personal attack too. you are doing the same. Also instead of making sensible posts having relevance to the current topic you seem to be trolling as evident from your posts. It would be nice to read some meaningful posts from you.

    IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

    Hmmm....your post indicates your complete lack of knowledge about the Indian military's might. As for your claim of Agni missile tests being fake, please provide me with some evidence to back up your claim. Further, your comments on Agni missile are hilarious. The Indian army does not induct any...

    First Local Kit For Indian Scorpenes Arrives.

    yeh kya hai bey??? kya post kiya hai tu ne??? what's a shev cena and bal takray??? do u mean shiv sena ?
  10. AGHORI

    India's Move to strangulate Pak economy

    just as you are obsessed with badmouthing us
  11. AGHORI

    India's Move to strangulate Pak economy

    so what?? India is increasing its nuclear arsenal as well in order to counter the pakistanis.
  12. AGHORI

    India's Move to strangulate Pak economy

    please wage a war against us. Do translate your words into action instead of issuing mere threats.
  13. AGHORI

    ‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

    yeah and pakistan is the prince of peace :rofl::rofl: remember osama bin laden found in pakistan? the terrorist factories run by mullahs? very peaceful indeed :sick:
  14. AGHORI

    India Upgrades Military to Match China

    you are right. He does come up with good comedy.:lol:
  15. AGHORI

    India Upgrades Military to Match China

    Are you a military strategist/planner of the ccp??? you always come up with nonsense war plans....if you are then ...:lol::lol::lol: if chinese military planners think like you then it will result in a military defeat for china or may be M.A.D. And your obsession with the word 'Great'...
  16. AGHORI

    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    yeah your chinese greatness can be seen in your posts reflecting your great chinese anger, great chinese hatred and great chinese nonsense ...:rofl::rofl::rofl: Also great chinese behaviour in bullying vietnam, phillipines, japan etc etc and warning the US, India etc etc I thank thee O GREAT...
  17. AGHORI

    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    Hey Hongwu :lol:, time to study history again!!! read about the maratha empire in wikipedia. see how they harassed and ultimately defeated the islamic mughal empire. Also note the extent of the maratha empire during its zenith.
  18. AGHORI

    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    :rofl: have you read my post properly? i have mentioned the disadvantages India had and the advantages china had. if you still want to give kudos to that then...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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