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  1. J

    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    PN is already working on nuclear subs. let me tell you Pakistan's first nuclear sub marine will be ready around 2013. I had the opportunity of meeting a person working on this project. A 300 Ton nuclear sub marine is in its construction phase now and the construction is going on very fast...
  2. J

    Sino-Pak nuclear collaboration

    Deals for Chasma 3 and 4 are already done and work is going on in full swing on these sites. as for the 1000 MW nuclear power plant, two 1000 MW power plants will be installed at Karachi. The work will start on these nuclear power plants in a year or two. pakistan needs a mix a energy...
  3. J

    Pakistan To Build 12 New Nuclear Plants

    Mangla dam produces 1000 MW of electricity Tarbela dam = 3600 MW Where as the new mega dam diamer Bhasha will have capacity of 4500MW, But just look at the cost of these dam, dam are essential but mega dams of bhasha or tarbela involve huge investment, with 10 years of construction. Bhasha...
  4. J

    Pakistan Navy Should Create it own Independent Air wing

    Interesting a dedicated sqd. of PN , i didnt heard of it before. Please share some more details if you have. If there exist any such land base strike jet sqd. than its clearly negates our statement that "land based attack sqd doesnt make sense". If PN has any such dedicated jet fighter sq. for...
  5. J

    Pakistan Navy Should Create it own Independent Air wing

    PN air strike capabilities certainly needs massive upgrades and improvements. in the form of new jet fighters and anti aircraft missiles(SAM) along with radars and AWACS network to safeguard its installation along the shore. PN needs to provide effective and effective air cover to its...
  6. J

    Navy Inducts Second Batch Of Z9EC Helicopters

    Along with the anti submarine capabilities, PN needs to bring up its own separate independant fleet of fighter jets atleat 2 squadrons. With the induction of new aircraft carrier by indian navy in 2012 and new generation MIGs, the surface fleet and key installations of PN are very much vunerable...
  7. J

    Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

    Exactly there is no such thing as " Limited war", Specially when the two countries possess nuclear arsenal. There is growing impression ( right or wrong, but thats a different issue ) here in pakistan that indian wants to distroy pakistan even at the cost of nuclear conflict which is sure to...
  8. J

    First Kamra Made JF17 to Fly on 23rd Nov...

    The fly past cermonies for JF17 has already taken place on pakistan day parades. Any way, the yesterdays JF17 ceremony looks very much similar to the one we had in USA for our F16-C/D. I think the ceremony organizers seems very much impressed with the f16 presentation ceremony.:victory:
  9. J

    First Kamra Made JF17 to Fly on 23rd Nov...

    It means: 10 thunders from china already delivered to paf 1st one manufactured at kamra 5 more near completion at Kamra Total = 16 before the year ends, it means despite all odds and ends, the induction and manufacturing plans are going as per schedule. And InshaAllah the first sq. will...
  10. J

    Siachen Glacier, Fighting On The Roof Of The World

    Yes airforce can be used. but its useless. if one side uses air power then so does the other side. either side can use airpower to destroy each other post on high altitudes.
  11. J

    India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

    Nukes are not like any jewel or diamond, which can be stolen or taken away. India and pakistan have kept their nukes in unassembled form, so when any one raises concern regarding theft of nukes, it makes no sense as neither pakistan nor india keep their nukes in assembled form. Even if any...
  12. J

    India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

    No body can get their hands to nuclear bombs on basis of sympathy. If talibans or any terro group can get such material, it will be through other means. For such means russia and central asian countries are more Vulnerable than pakistan.
  13. J

    India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

    Dont made drunk statments. Nuclear material in terrorists hands, would you please tell me how? And if terrorists get their hands to such material.Then who will confirm it and how that this fissile material is made in Pakistan. Dont worry we have beared such sanctions many a times in past...
  14. J

    Damaging fallout: 'Dud' Pokhran II blows up 11 years later

    Ahead of Pakistan in what? and how
  15. J

    Damaging fallout: 'Dud' Pokhran II blows up 11 years later

    Hahahahahah. Oh my Goodness. I literally died laughing man. vow seems joking dude. U mean RAW is innocent, and what about Training, organizing and financing the followings by RAW: - Mukti bahni in East Pakistan - BRA in Baluchistan - Tamil tigers in Srilanka - (Indian terror Consulats in...
  16. J

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    . No dear, its not that simple as u potray, integrating a new engine in an aircraft is a complex job. U mean, LCA will be ready for induction by 2012. Just a wishfull thinkng frankly speaking. We have been hearing such deadlines for LCA induction in IAf for the last 8 years. I can give half...
  17. J

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    ok technically speaking, having in ICBm capability is owesum. 1- But who we are going to target with an ICBM. Is there any enemy country at 7000 + km range, which we consider as a potential threat to our security in present and in near future. 2- Is there a financial justification for such...
  18. J

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    Vow what a rubbish statement: Babur ghauri1 Ghaur2 Shaheen1 Shaheen 2 Abdali Raad Should i list some more pakistai missile, which are making indian dhoti wet. We know how original and effective indian missiles are.
  19. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Yes exactly what i also mean, PAf will go for more J10 or opt or any other high tech plate form in large number:cheesy:
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