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  1. H

    Myanmar Conducts Surgical Strike in India - 5 reported killed

    There barely any army presence in mizoram
  2. H

    India Is An Ideal Candidate For Improving Armenia’s Su-30 Fighter Jets

    I'd love to know what makes you think so low of IAF pilots It was a Mig29 , the bombs fell close but not inside
  3. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    The author of the article air commdore kaiser Tufail is obviously slightly biased in favour of PAF, although I must say he always tries his best to be neutral in his analysis . But here is a confession from the man himself taken from the article "Su-30s were completely shocked when they were...
  4. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    I asked you for a source bro I think it's you who should be coping right now, pentagon hasn't confirmed your count lol. All those media houses saying that the count took place cite Pakistani sources for the same. Meanwhile the pentagon hasn't even confirmed the existence of any such count...
  5. H

    How modern the Turkish Armed Forces ( Modern or Not )

    Turkish economy is not very strong, dosent justify the amount they're spending on military
  6. H

    India is learning to love electric vehicles — but they're not cars

    Do you understand English ? I said that to build a domestic EV manufacturing ecosystem india doesn't need tesla.
  7. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    I can't answer this question sir This talks accurately about the no. Of paramilitary forces ( I never disputed the no. Of paramilitary forces) but the no. Of army personnel given is wrong and grossly overexagerated ( 600,000 army men according to the website and that too cited without a...
  8. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    I wasted a few seconds of my life to read this. Now to compensate for that give me facts, not rhetoric. Indian army of 11 Lakh can't have 900,000 troops in kashmir. There are only two corps in Jammu and Kashmir. Of these only one is in kashmir. There are 65 RR battalions too. The total no. Of...
  9. H

    Why has Maoist violence subsided in India?

    Naxals won't survive this decade. Mark my words.
  10. H

    India is learning to love electric vehicles — but they're not cars

    You don't need to manufacture teslas to become an EV manufacturing giant. We don't care if musk comes to India or not. India already has enough domestic car makers to substitute tesla
  11. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Give me the Deployment pattern of the forces, names of formations deployed, etc. I had given you all the data back then You're making numbers out of thin air
  12. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Dude , aren't you the same guy who kept on insisting that india has 700,000 army troops in kashmir despite you being proved wrong , and your whole argument revolved around the point that you are kashmiri hence you know the ground realties , you provided zero research material back then , how...
  13. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Where and when ? And how is that mirages from Gwalior are carrying out CAP in northern india, dosent make effin sense. Fake news, there was no such count, even the Pentagon isn't aware of such a count lol. I think the Pentagon's words are more credible than yours...
  14. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    They were targeted by AMRAAM C, that's why they had to evade Sure, just like an F16 was shot down lol. Intercepted ? Evaded , target by decoys ? Burnt out during the chase ? An AMRAAM can't fly forever you know . There are many possibilities sir Abhi had crossed the LoC without orders...
  15. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    The same can be said about your claim of shooting down a flanker Ever heard of Electronic warfare? Su 30s can carry SAP 14 pods you know We detected your presence and sent fighters from srinagar to challenge you. What's excatly so bad about tejas which you keep talking about ?
  16. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Any M2K shot down ? The claim on the 2nd Jet was fake. It's as true as the indian claim of downing F16 The Su30s had to evade the amraams launched at them. All M2Ks are based in Gwalior , very far from kashmir. It wasn't just his mig. The 51st squadron scrambled multiple migs from Srinagar...
  17. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Proven in dreams ? A claim as true as f16 being shot down
  18. H

    New Footage of India / China Clashes

    All of these pictures and videos are from June 2020 in Galwan
  19. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    One jet to be precise And no the PAF didn't swamp any AD network. They were detected and challenged. Unlike IAF which went unchallenged a day earlier Does Pakistan even have that many conventional strike missiles? I bet Pakistani missile arnsenal is smaller than India's. And what's the...
  20. H

    PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

    Downing 8 jets without downing a similar number of Pakistani jets will agitate the indian government. There will be pressure to hit back. India will probably retaliate against military targets. It's a mistake for you to underestimate the possibility of a punitive response
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