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  1. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Really special this plane with a long body and delta wings
  2. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    This plane intrigues me because it seems shorter in length than the kowsar and when you look at its rear design, it seems to carry a single engine. 2 air outlet, intriguing
  3. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    People who said here that IRIAF had a small budget are wrong because in reality, we see the opposite and it was predictable for me. They are really not underfunded, on the contrary, reality undoes these prejudices. Iran has been producing many more planes for 5 years than we think, we are really...
  4. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    This plane will have a new radar, elements of artificial intelligence, new electronics, that has already been said. And it's clear that they use special paint to reduce its radar signature. The plane on the right of the photo is also new. This long body aircraft is truly special and one of a kind
  5. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    My predictions are starting to show, I said time would prove me right. Really look at the photos of the new fighter planes in the factory, look carefully from left to right. Watch again...
  6. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Watch again, although it looks like the version from Yemen, the body of this drone is a bit different. The back part is longer. This is a new improved version
  7. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    The group of small drone with the flattened nose is new
  8. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    12+12+12 calculates the number and you will see how much the number of Kowsar. For the new engines, they were tested in the F-4 SM = Super modified! This is my claim.. The assembly line of the first batch of Kowsar with double cockpit of 12 has been presented to the public. We've seen the...
  9. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Your number of 4 is from there demagogy, big rubbish. My own number in 2023 is 36, we are very far from the ridiculous figure of 4.
  10. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Officially the construction of the heavy fighter started in 2020, we must not forget that https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/07/22/2312404/iran-begins-development-of-heavy-fighter-jet
  11. Mr Iran Eye

    Iran Implies Collapse Of Deal To Buy Russia’s Su-35 Warplanes

    The construction of the new heavy fighter officially began in 2020
  12. Mr Iran Eye

    Iran Implies Collapse Of Deal To Buy Russia’s Su-35 Warplanes

    Keep in mind that the production of the new heavy fighter will officially begin in 2020. you have to realize that it will start before 2020 because all the new technological developments like in the Kowsar, F-7, Yasin, f-14 and F-4 benefit the future heavy fighter.
  13. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Wow joke of the year signed drMeson - Kowsar production rate is barely 4-6 per year due to $$$ cuts - It's completely false, hyper false, delirium. It's double that and even more and they are building the new version of the Kowsar with delta wings in several copies. In a few weeks we will have...
  14. Mr Iran Eye

    Iran enjoys self-sufficiency in radar system, missile weapons for air defence

    Short ranges: Herz nohom 9th dey Dezful Zubin and navab Majid Rapier (M) Tor-M1 (M) Ya Zahra Raad Anti Helicopter Iranian anti aircraft guns: Samavat Mesbah Saeer Air-defence artillery systems ZSU-23-4 And more Long range: Bavar 373 New 3th khordad Talash 3 S-300 PMU2 I.R S-200 (M) medium...
  15. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Freeze at 22 seconds and it looks like the new F-5 augmented fighter model.
  16. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Finally the forum is fixed:yahoo::bounce::buba_phone:
  17. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    URGENT - Yevgeny Prigozhin would have obtained the resignation of the couple Choïgou and Guerassimov, according to Russian sources
  18. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    URGENT: "It's the end of the rebellion, the Wagners are returning to their bases" (Prigozhin
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