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  1. Catalystic

    Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia are countries most exposed to China influence

    Kindly correct your ‘english’ before accusing others.
  2. Catalystic

    Aftab Iqbal program ban by PEMRA

    Sirf famous ha, ppl think of him as a celebrity and like his program. Getting a PR here and settling isn’t easy these days bro, housing is killing everything….. I’m sure he’ll get software updated and then resume his show of bhaands.
  3. Catalystic

    Several Indian army soldiers-injured-in-clashes-with-chinese-pla-on-dec-9

    So what are the real numbers of dead and injured?
  4. Catalystic

    30pc air pollution in Punjab comes from India: WB

    Maybe you guys need to experience some of it
  5. Catalystic

    Aftab Iqbal program ban by PEMRA

    Pemra doesnt check increasing beghairti, nudity and vulgar scenes on tv but quick to ban useless shit only
  6. Catalystic

    Imran Khan wants establishment to stay ‘neutral’, says doesn’t seek any help

    IK just wants his chair back Just like all the rest….all politicians are same scum, they all same mafias be it ppp, pml, pti, jui or etc They’ve all fucked the country with help from bureaucracy, judiciary and some generals. I don’t think pti can win majority without HELP from the military.
  7. Catalystic

    Aftab Iqbal program ban by PEMRA

    Lol Pakistanis require Visas to all decent countries…….I don’t think any country wants huge influx of Pakistanis…… Applying immigration and getting it is a long process anyway so it takes years…. Just bcaz somebody has money doesn’t mean they could go anywhere and be successful Aftabs...
  8. Catalystic

    what will happen if Bangladeshis start living around you? What will you do Cook fish for the Bengalis? : Paresh Rawal

    Illegals anywhere, are a big problem these days. Should be confined to camps,jail until their decisions and then sent off to origin or wherever. For example: Most Pakistanis want all refugees gone from Pak. Letting them roam free has been a disaster.
  9. Catalystic

    No country has used terrorism better than India: Hina Rabbani Khar

    Hina is so damn stupid……calling on the “international community” Lol, if u want revenge or to stop such shit from occurring, you take action and never wait/ask for somebody else. Do your work yourself. Kabtak doosron ki minnatein kerte rahogay ??? Dumb shit. When will u realise that...
  10. Catalystic

    Chief Justice of Pakistan 🫣

    And burn/destroy the fucking “supreme” building too, burn it to black color with the whole tabbars of these judges
  11. Catalystic

    Social media is lauding the power move that was Hina Rabbani Khar’s Afghanistan visit

    well they must’ve been happy to see her until she came out all covered up like that, lolz She is a big part and beneficiary of the corrupt feudal system. Gets elected each time yet has only drained Pak govt coffers. Going to a shithole country when you could’ve achieved whatever over a...
  12. Catalystic

    Brain Drain: Highly Educated & Top Pakistanis Leave Country | Accelerated 3 Times to go abroad | Pakistan's brightest leaving the country

    The problem is when you’re not churning up new educated professionals after those professionals leave……if u had steady new graduates coming in snd getting trained and doing work then its not an issue Professionals leave, and u got no good brains coming after - thats the problem
  13. Catalystic

    Why does Young Generation want to leave Pakistan?

    Due to corruption, lawlessness, looting and plundering of resources, wastage on same old faces who been eating the country while showing nothing in progress….no credibility anywhere, have to get 1 document “attested” so many times for any important stuff Everything takes long time with shit...
  14. Catalystic

    Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia are countries most exposed to China influence

    Doesn’t matter as our Pakistan is almost bankrupt due to corruption and money laundering to the west by corrupt men and women….. China can kiss its investment goodbye as it gonna crash n burn
  15. Catalystic

    Another Day another stock exchange crash as Stocks plummet by 613 points

    Well economy has stalled and now in freefall ? How long till we become SL ?? What is the plan if anyone got a plan??
  16. Catalystic

    PM directs crackdown against dollar hoarders

    Lol it’s dangerous and stupid to hoard so much money, as u can easily be robbed…. Some assholes trying to profit over anything
  17. Catalystic

    Chief Justice of Pakistan 🫣

    courts should just br shutdown
  18. Catalystic

    The judge who reserved judgment on Azam Swati's case transferred

    Did we really expect a different result guys?? Come on
  19. Catalystic

    Debt repayments on track, foreign reserves to increase in 2nd half: SBP Governor

    Just tell imf/usa that the weapons may fall if pak defaults, lol, let em issue few billions right now!
  20. Catalystic

    Pakistan hasn't defaulted but simply falling deeply into arrears

    Its hard to believe that, with everything shutdown and ppl starting to lose jobs, its really not pretty or fun to be losing livelihoods All that anger from awaam is gonna get nasty and then what? Not even military would be able to salvage anything if shit hits the fan Are ppl going to get back...
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