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  1. P

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    So if you are weak, you accept losing/giving-up territories to the powerful. Probably you have no self-respect and so know nothing about the dignity. Surrendering your right voluntarily and losing it in a fight against the powerful are two different things poles apart from each other. On one...
  2. P

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Correction: not Israeli territories. Rather Israeli occupied Palestinian territories.
  3. P

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Look at this old sick-minded war criminal Israeli pig how he is laughing at the war crimes that Israelis regularly commit against the innocent Palestinian people including children, women, and other civilians. This is what even Hitler couldn't do against the Jewish people. After looking at the...
  4. P

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Every one knows that Hamas has no chance of military dominance over much much better equipped war criminal Israelis (both the armed terrorists Israeli settlers and Israeli armed forces). But that doesn't mean Palestinians should not struggle against the Israeli occupation. One day Palestinians...
  5. P

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Disgrace, disgrace. War criminals and terrorists from around the world supporting Israeli war criminals and murderers. No surprise. Look at the supporting countries: all of them are having blood stains on their hands, the blood of innocent people.
  6. P

    What is the threshold of revolution in Pakistan?

    All those cowards who are throwing abuses on Pakistan, it's government, and people should go back to Pakistan and act as arrow head to start the much sought revolution. A revolution eats up it's leaders first. All these idiots want the sons of poor Pakistanis die while having a good life...
  7. P

    PAF Reveals Loitering Smart Munitions

    Not insulting. But just pointing out the fact that it's none of his business if a Muslim is first Afghani or Pakistani and then Muslim or vice versa. Like many other evil people, he seems trying to sow the seeds of hatred among Muslims.
  8. P

    ‘unacceptable’ Kabul calls Pakistan’s decision to expel undocumented Afghan nationals ‘unacceptable’

    Afghans came to Pakistan because their country was under brutal occupation of foreign powers (first the erstwhile USSR and than USA/Nato). Generations after generations of Afghans saw only the death and destruction in their country. So millions of Afghans found a refuge in Pakistan. And...
  9. P

    PAF Reveals Loitering Smart Munitions

    Lo ji, an Indian Hindu is telling us what or how Afghans see themselves as Muslim Afghan or Afghan Muslim. Surprise, surprise, ...
  10. P

    The West badly needs a land-based corridor to the Central Asia

    It was so foolish on the part of the western countries to oppose CPEC just in the name of blocking or containing a rising China. They thought it would benefit China's global trade and thus promote strategic Chinese reach and strengthen Chinese clout. In reality, the CPEC is a huge project for...
  11. P

    Trigger Warning Poll: ڈالر اور یوتھیو میں مقابلہ جاری۔ کون زیادہ گرے گا؟

    Donoo ko mafia support kar raha tha. That mafia is going through a crackdown. yeh to mujhe maaloom nahi kon ziyada gere ga. Laken yeh janta hoon keh no one will allow them to bounce back. namaz parha karo warna peerni ka jadoo tumhare peche a jai ga.
  12. P

    Imran Riaz Khan

    How then Pakistan has survived for last 75 years? We have an enemy ten at easter border times bigger than us. We have faced off with two super powers in Afghanistan. We are still alive and functional. We might have a thousand shortcomings but we have successfuly fought for our survival. I...
  13. P

    Imran who? The Risky shift in UK policy toward Pakistan

    Well, many Pakistanis probably believe that Ik had enough fangs to take on the military, right? The same IK who gave extension to Bajwa, called him a fatherly figure, and offered him life-time extension in his tenure as army chief. All hue and cry that IK and PTI were/are making was not for...
  14. P

    Imran who? The Risky shift in UK policy toward Pakistan

    What's the issue with democracy in Pakistan? Pakistan had a change of government two years ago through a constitutional process and now we have an interim government (again in accordance with the constitution of Pakistan) for holding the general elections after all constitutional requirement are...
  15. P

    After PAF pilot Shahzazudin, Pajeets have Invented a New Uddin. It is Now Kamaluddin Alleged Son of Hafiz Saeed

    These delusional Indians live in their own fool's paradise. Someone needs to tell these rotten scumbags that hafiz Saeed does not have any son with this name. Looks like the brain of these idiot pajeets is stuck at the name 'Uddin' just like every Indian's brain was stuck with the word 'ISI'...
  16. P

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Do you have any evidence to prove your claim (for example Chinese twist our arm to extract every dollar out of us, dollars provided by them as loans, then paid back at silly interest rates later). I am pretty sure your claim is no better than a lie. You are just parroting what your western...
  17. P

    LOL Govt eyes $11bn aid from China, Saudi Arabia amid crunch

    There is only one way for Pakistan to prosper and progress and that is the rule of law. Having an elite class (i.e. mafias of different colors) is by itself unconstitutional. These mafias produce nothing for Pakistan but eat up almost all our resources. For example, signing the IPP agreements...
  18. P

    Marayam nawaz ordered General Asim Munier to humiliate and break Imran khan

    Shahbaz Gil is one coward crook who is currently absconder. This coward fled the country instead of facing the law. His claims are as credible as his criminal past. I am wondering that PDF has fallen to such disgrace that a thread can be started based on the lies of an absconder criminal. Such a...
  19. P

    Nassem shah was fit he was punished for posting picture with Imran khan.

    Total bullshit. Like any other fast bowler, Nasim Shah has the history of having bodily problems. He even has missed a couple of junior world cup matches in the past because of such problems. During the last few matches, the problem seemed re-appearing again. So he was advised to have the...
  20. P

    Pakistan: At least 50 killed, dozens injured in Mastung blast

    I don't think this terrorist attack has anything to do with your claimed Saudi dawah projects. No Muslim in his right mind will kill other Muslims in mosques or during prayers. Saudis might not be celebrating Eid Meelad-e-Nabi (because they think, and probably rightly so, that no one from...
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